according to A study from the July 2020, that kids spread in the ages between 10 and 19 years, the Coronavirus more often than adults. These results ensured a Flare-up of the discussion of the risks associated with re-openings of schools.

However, additional data from the study have now been published, these are now out of the question, as the researchers from South Korea, explain, because it is not quite clear, who is infected. More precisely, some members of the same household, in which infected children lived had been subjected to said time equal to the Virus as the offspring. Accordingly, it is not excluded that the infection was carried out by a common contacts, and not about the children themselves.

Corona: South Korean researchers have already been forced to a study to revise

It is not the first study from South Korea to the spread of the Coronavirus, which must subsequently be revised. In may 2020, the study had been results are incorrectly interpreted, that of COVID-19 convalescent people again can infect. This was not so. The reason for the error, a measurement error was.

so Now for the next event, the Dr. Alasdair Munro of the University hospital Southampton in the UK, but also something Positive can. “The main point of the paper is that it illustrates the care with which we individual studies need to be interpreted, in particular, the Transmission of a Virus, we know that the dynamics is complex,” he said to the New York Times.

Corona: BIOS Tati stikerin warns against the Wrong Interpretation of

Overall, was documented in the recent study, only a single case in which a 16-year-old girl had to put their 14-year-old sister. The remaining 40 infected contacts of the older children could all be caused by a common Virus-exposure is explained.

The new report does not suggest that older children transferred at least, probably more frequently than adults, interpreted Dr. Natalie Dean, biostatic stikerin at the University of Florida. An opposite Interpretation, according to which children transfer less or not at all, but it is wrong. Paula’s dog gets lost in the woods – by the brilliant idea he finds back home FOCUS Online Paula’s dog gets lost in the woods – by the brilliant idea he finds back to home

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