NOTE: This article was published on Monday, the 1. april 2019 and was an April fool.

the Tivoli has for many years entertained both children and adults, and in the future will the park, also extend to a whole new audience.

The 4. april opens the Tivoli namely a brand new ride for man’s best friend, the dog.

“to be honest, so it started as a joke at projektkontoret. We sat and talked about the fact that ‘oh, we can’t do anything for the dogs?’ But subsequently, we talked with experts and the Danish Kennel Club, where we suddenly find out that it truly is an opportunity that we in Tivoli can give the dogs a treat and a queasy feeling in the stomach,” says the project manager in the Tivoli Marie Therese Collet.

It is the Mirage, which in the future has space for both dog and owner, and Marie Therese Collet stresses that there is complete control on the security of both parties.

Thus, the Tivoli has developed a special safety belt for the dog that comes in two sizes, both larger Oslobet and smaller dogs can try the ride, which has also been cleared by experts.

the Danish Kennel Club was at first not completely convinced that the dogs and the rides were a good match.

But the page is assistant to the director in the Danish Kennel Club Lone Summer been convinced.

“In the Danish Kennel Club, we were very skeptical in the beginning. There are some dogs who are decidedly afraid of heights, just like people also can be afraid of heights. But after looking at various drawings, we could see that was an option. My dog would definitely think it’s a lot of fun,” says Lone Summer.

Also vice president of Tivoli Mogens Ramsløv is excited about the new initiatives. He believes it is an important part of Tivoli’s development constantly to do something extra.

“Tivoli will simply not be the Tivoli gardens, if we do not provide the kind of extra magic, to which all our guests love at the Tivoli,” he says.

Underdirektøren tells at the same time, you will have to consider whether there should be rides to other animals.

“There will probably be some who say: ‘Why don’t cats, why is it not possible to take a bird with?’ I will say that we are working of course on it, but in the first place, we must concentrate on one thing at a time,” says Mogens Ramsløv.