The under 16-year-old whose baby was thrown down and died, or in the river Besòs, L’hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), the last September, tried to abort. The young man requested the help of the municipal social services when he was less than three months, according to reports on Thursday The Newspaper and not belie from the municipal institution. The Law of Sexual Health, as amended by the last Government of the PP in 2015, requires the permission of the parents to terminate pregnancy up to the age of majority. The new coalition Government has committed to change it.

The young man and his partner, also a minor, took a secret pregnancy. When she came out of the accounts and began the contractions, rented a room in a hostel in the city in the suburbs of Barcelona, where the child gave birth without any medical aid, beyond that of your partner. After the young man got the newborn in a suitcase and threw it into the river. The Mossos took three days to find the body.

With the Law of Sexual and Reproductive Health, known as the law of abortion, the socialist Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the child could have taken steps to abort when asked for help in the town Hall of L’hospitalet. The standard allows you to do this in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy without the need of justification, or within 22 weeks if there is “serious risk to the life or health of the pregnant woman” or “risk of serious anomalies in the foetus”. But in 2015, the Government of Mariano Rajoy amended, requiring for the under the age of 16-and 17-year authorization of parents or guardians to terminate the pregnancy. The agreement of Government signed by the PSOE and United Can expected to eliminate this obligation, that is to say, that the minors of 16 and 17 years can abort without the consent of their parents, according to confirm from the party purple.

The Municipality of L’hospitalet stresses the confidentiality of the service Salut Jove [health young] city, which is why the assistant who treated the child was not alerted of what happened. The young man, once informed that I needed the permission of their parents to disrupt your pregnant, alleged that they were outside, according to The Newspaper. From the Consistory, advised him to go to a medical centre and explain your situation, something you never did.

on Tuesday 24 of September of last year, hours after the best had given birth, several witnesses called the emergency telephone number alerting that they had seen a young man throwing a baby in the river. Still wet and with a towel to the neck, the alleged murderer of the newborn is went to a bar, saying that she had stolen a suitcase, asked for a charger and ended up calling his father. Finally, the two reported what happened in a police station of Mossos. The juvenile was arrested and he was admitted in a center as a precautionary measure.

The last report of voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVE) of the Ministry of Health, with data from 2017, reveals that 345 under 15 years of age and other 9.410 women 15 to 19 years were aborted that year. Are 10.5% of the total, amounting to 94.123 women. The official report does not differentiate between ages, which are the object of controversy in their data. Yes he made a specific report to the Association of Clinics Accredited for the Interruption of Pregnancy (ACAI), who studied in 2014 how many women aged 16 and 17 not reported to their parents or guardians for the interruption of pregnancy. According to their estimates, in that year aborted 913 young people of these ages, that is, 3.6% of the total voluntary termination of pregnancy. 113 of them (the 12,38% of that group) did so without the knowledge of their guardians. That is to say, the vast majority, almost nine out of every 10 had communicated to their parents.

ACAI is one of the organizations that claim the change of the law, which attributed to reasons “ideological”. “When we did the studies we have seen that the attending without accompanying parent or guardian to abort was due to causes not justified. It was cases that report implies a risk of violence interfamiliar, are part of dysfunctional families or have no family. That’s why it was not justifiable to the legal change”, says Francisca Garcia, president of ACAI. Restrictions such as these, according to Garcia, “pushing the children to the underground, to have unsafe abortions or to search for pills by the internet,” says the president of the association.