The 598 more than the day before. Alone in North Rhine-were reported Westphalia, 421 new cases. Five States announced on Saturday that no new Pay – Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein. So far, 8932 people have died from the effects of the Coronavirus. According to the Robert Koch Institute, 177.500 Diseased are healed now and again. Thus, approximately 6800 people are currently acutely infected (active cases). This is a renewed increase (6600 on Friday, 6400, respectively, on Wednesday and Thursday).

More of the Coronavirus you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online. For the weekend: storms intensify – here are the Thunderstorm on the most violent PCP Up for the weekend: storms intensify – here are the Thunderstorm on the most violent

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