The member of United we Can in Madrid and writer Beatriz Gimeno will be the next director of the Institute of the Woman, according to confirmed sources of the party. The historic militant feminist and rights LGTBIQ+, replaces Rocío Rodríguez Prieto in an institution that was founded in 1983 and has a strong recognition of the feminist movement, as has been recalled this Monday the new minister of Equality, Irene Montero, in the act of relieving the position with the vice-president Carmen Calvo.

Gimeno (Madrid, 1962) has a degree in studied Semitic Philology by the Universidad Complutense and has a son. In the Assembly of Madrid since 2015, he acts as spokesman of the Commission on Social Policies, Families, Equality and Birth. It is expected that you leave your act of the Assembly. He was the president of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) when the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero passed marriage equality in 2005. She is a writer of essay, feminist, poetry, and stories. He has collaborated in several Spanish media and international on issues of feminism, among them THE COUNTRY or Pikara Magazine. She has also worked for 10 years as a superior technique in the City of Madrid, in the agency’s Madrid Destination, as recorded on the website of the Assembly of Madrid.

The historic activist Boti García Rodrigo in the plaza de Pedro Zerolo, in 2017. victor sanz

The historic activist Boti García Rodrigo (Madrid, 1945) will be the general director of Sexual Diversity and LGBTI, an area of new creation. Boti is a fighter for the rights of the collective LGTBIQ+ —“the diversity of sexual, gender and family”, as she calls it—. Like Gimeno, was president of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB). In addition, he was the president of Cogam, and has been a candidate for mp for IU and Equo. The City of Madrid awarded him the Gold Medal in 2018. She has a degree in Philosophy and Letters at the Complutense University of Madrid, has been a teacher and also a public servant.

finally, the researcher and author Alba Gonzalez (Oviedo, 1986) will the directorate-general for Equal Treatment and Diversity, Ethnic-racial. Gonzalez is a doctor of international Gender and Diversity at the University of Oviedo, Graduated in Philology, Master in Gender Equality in Human Sciences, Legal and Social by the CSIC, and a Master’s degree in Gender and Diversity, also from the University of Oviedo. He is currently a councillor in the town Hall of Gijon for we Can.