one in four adults in Germany suffers, according to the German liver Foundation, a non-alcohol-related fatty liver. That is to say: their causes lie largely in the wrong diet or Overweight. A fatty liver you do not feel as a rule Affected feel, however, is often tired and unmotivated, a few also complain of a feeling of pressure in the right upper abdomen.

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A fatty liver can become inflamed in the course and in the worst case even cancer. But this is avoidable, as the Munich-based diet assistant Doris explained: “people should first normalize your body weight – slowly but sustainably.” A fatty liver is fully reversible.

The fatty liver of the collar go to: How you should eat a

Of restrictive dieting or fasting cures, the expert advises. They could aggravate the symptoms of fatty liver even. It would be better to dispense with Fructose, sugar, alcohol and salt in the best way possible and to optimize the selection of carbohydrates. That is to say: to put On whole-grain products, rapeseed and olive oil.

Also, you should make sure to take two daily servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables to. Also, between meals, the expert advises. If it is not at all without, you should put on carbohydrate free foods, such as vegetables with homemade herb Quark Dip. About the expert: Doris Short

Doris Short diet assistant is in Gräfelfing, near Munich. After training at the vocational school for dietetics in Munich, she has specialized on the diet therapy in obesity and type 2 Diabetes.

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A suitable diet plan could look like this:

1. Breakfast

oatmeal with a Serving of fruit, natural yoghurt, low-fat milk, nuts, Flaxseed, and wheat bran result in an ideal Anti-fatty liver-cereals. But also whole-grain bread with a slice of cheese or some cottage cheese, cucumber and fruit, provide you with the necessary energy to Start the day. More on the topic of nutrition, you will learn

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2 to be allowed to eat. Lunch

As a rule of thumb for the lunch, according to the Brief: half a plate of vegetables, a quarter plate of whole-grain cereals, for example whole-grain rice or pasta, millet, buckwheat or Quinoa, and a quarter plate meat, fish, Tofu or eggs. In addition, some fruit for dessert.

3. Dinner

As a light dinner with a salad, for example, Chinese cabbage, endive, or lettuce with vinegar and olive oil is. Enrich you can seeds it with a tablespoon of sunflower or pumpkin, two eggs, 50 grams of feta cheese or a half a ball of Mozzarella. Can we defeat the Corona-Virus without a vaccine? Infections Lodge is skeptical of FOCUS Online, we Can defeat the Corona-Virus without a vaccine? Infections Lodge is skeptical of