The Provincial court of Bizkaia has sentenced to permanent prison revisable to the woman who was killed by the 19 of the month of January to her daughter of nine years in the local neighbourhood of Atxuri after drogarla with drugs and asfixiarla, according to the judgment. The autopsy that was inflicted on the child revealed that he died of the effects of the drugs, but that there were signs of asphyxia, such as said mother, Ada de la Torre, during their statements before the Police.

The permanent prison revisable came into force from 2015 and assumes that the 25 years of imprisonment, a court assesses whether the prisoner is reinserted to decide on your freedom. For the moment, just 12 people have been sentenced to this penalty: 11 men (other then it was overturned by the Supreme Court) and two women. The first, also this year, was Ana Julia Quezada, who killed Gabriel Cruz in Níjar (Almería) in February of 2018.

last December 19, after the conclusion of the trial, it became known the verdict of the jury, by unanimous vote of its nine members, declared the accused guilty of murder aggravated by killing his daughter Kiara after giving a number of medications and asfixiarla in his family home in the capital of biscay on 16 January. The Tower was excused in that a man had entered his home and had forced him to commit the crime, although researchers rejected this version for not find no sign that any intruder “dressed in black”, as stated by the mother in her testimony, had entered the family home without permission. During this session before the judge to Look at San Miguel, the accused is not defended on the facts alleged, but it criticized the financial amount (€160 000) that were requested by the defense Valeriano Borja, who claims the paternity of the child.

The magistrate stated in the judgment which have accessed THE COUNTRY that the accused supplied drugs to the girls and tried to stifle it with a pillow “once amodorrada” so that they could not defend themselves. “It is unquestionable”, he adds, that the death was due to “massive oral intake” of these drugs. The edict plasma that the killer must pay 20,000 euros to Josune de la Torre, sister of Kiara but the fruit of a previous relationship of the Tower. The Prosecution claimed another 70,000 euros to Borja.The judge argues that the confession that made the woman not serve as a mitigating factor to lower the penalty, which called for the defense. Nor did the jury gave importance to this factor.

Tamara Pérez, partner of the father of Josune and spokesman for the family, has stated to THE COUNTRY that the family is “happy” after learning of the judgment and held “have struggled to do justice.” “We’ve gotten what we wanted, the permanent prison revisable so that this lady did not see the street and pay for what he has done,” says Perez.

The people’s Court considered it proven that it was murder with premeditation against a minor of nine years, a victim particularly vulnerable. In addition, they understood that the processed had incurred the aggravating circumstance of relationship to be related to the aggressor and the victim by family bond. The investigations police, and the psychological assessments showed that the woman did not suffer any problem or alienation that would have been able to induce to commit the crime, but that he was aware of what he was doing.

the Tower was receiving a benefit of about € 900 as a single mother of Kiara, since they did not recognize his father, Valeriano Borja, in order to obtain this social support. Borja is now in the process of carried out the analysis to confirm his paternity to be also in charge of the remains of the child. This tactic also employed the condemned with the father of Josune, that he found his mother and his sister in the bed on the night of the facts. Tamara Perez says that “Valeriano is outside of themselves, not just believe, but he is very happy. You can now forget about the topic and suffer the mourning.” The next phase is to “fight for the paternity of her daughter to gather it together with their loved ones.”

The family has called a press conference for next Monday to show their perceptions about the worth of the permanent prison revisable that has been received From the Tower. Valeriano Borja, present in other speeches to the media, has preferred to move away and that other palestinians do to get your family’s position on sentencing. The Tower is the second woman to receive this punishment after Ana Julia Quezada, who killed the child Gabriel in Níjar (Almería) in February of 2018.