“call For me, many people feel alone,” says Lothar Jeck in an interview with FOCUS Online. The 68-year-old Berliner has been working for over 20 years on a volunteer basis as a phone chaplain. Since a few weeks, he oversees, among many other a special Corona-Hotline.

This was created by the emergency pastoral care, hospital chaplaincy and the Church’s telephone pastoral care and counselling in Berlin and Brandenburg to life, as more and more people “with a Corona-specific problems” reported. Especially old people are made in the present Situation, often alone, suffered much, their relationship is not seen, explained the chaplain. “You’re looking for a conversation partner, sometimes just after a friend with whom you can, for a time entertain.”

“But Younger call,” says Jeck. “Many are frustrated, worried about your job, your future career. And here, too, there is loneliness.“ Also the Mentally Ill called, as a conspiracy theorist. “This is difficult,” says Jeck, “and sometimes impossible, factual arguments.” Lothar Jeck Lothar Jeck, Corona-Pastors.

He had never known what a paradox – now he knew one thing: “the more responsible companies, in order to protect our company, the smaller the number of Diseased and deceased. But the people do not understand.“ Instead many angry to experts and politicians, the Situation is considered “not so bad”. You ask: “Why all this effort?”, so the chaplains.

“Domestic violence is now even more Hidden,”

Domestic violence is also an issue. “Always, in times of Corona even more,” says the chaplain, “because never people are so close to each other, as it is now.” A strong increase of Victims of domestic violence, he does not notice the Call. “If a woman from your man feels threatened, but the whole day at home, she has no possibility of us unnoticed call,” says Jeck. “This is happening now, yet more in Secret.”

When someone is calling, tried to help Lothar Jeck. “But I give no advice,” says the chaplain, “it is more a kind of self-help.” If you have any technical questions, he references, for example, of the Robert Koch-Institute, will give more practical information. In the other he is listening to especially. “First of all, I always try to show understanding. No matter what issue someone comes. And I show the Person that I take them seriously.“

  • All of the new developments to the outbreak of the Coronavirus you read in the News Ticker

behind the bizarre questions of serious concern to

behind whimsical questions could often be a serious Background. “A caller asked about whether Sagittarius Sex by a mouth protection against infection,” says Jeck. The Background was: she was pushed by her Partner to have Sex.

“she was probably trying to prevent your Partner’s mind, in which it referred to the infection by the Virus. Your Partner replied to it, you should wear a Mouth guard.“

Sometimes, people wanted to get even just air, be aggressive. Wanted to get rid of their frustration on politicians, on conspiracy theories to discuss. “Even for such cases we are there – it happens but, fortunately, rather rare.”

We must then distinguish whether these Comments actual Worry stuck, or it was the people just a matter of skipping. “But I’ve been doing this for 23 years – and as a man, the listen to learn,” explains the pastor. He also to question, to understand the backgrounds. Important telephone numbers

have in the current Situation, a lot of people’s Fears and Concerns, was established in Berlin, a telephone hotline for Corona-questions, which is also a nationwide reach.

  • Corona telephone counseling: 030 403 665 885 / daily, 8 – 24

But it 222 there are also other Hotlines to which people can apply:

  • General phone-counseling : 0800 111 0 111 0800 111 0 / around the clock
  • Muslim telephone counseling: 030 443 509 821 / around the clock
  • child and youth telephone nationwide: 116 111 / Monday to Saturday from 14 to 20 PM, and Wednesday and Thursday, 10-12 am
  • parent phone: 0800 111 0 550 / Monday to Friday 9 am -17 PM and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 19 p.m.
  • Russian-language telephone counseling: 030 440 308 454

the equilibrium of proximity and distance

“The art is in the balance between proximity and distance,” says Jeck. “I’m for the people, but I don’t kick them near. And I will not let you come near me“. Sometimes he had the feeling, to replace for Affected a friend. “This goes even further,” he says.

“Many wish for further contact, don’t want to meet with me, of course. This is an absolute taboo.“

Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause

We do not leave anyone alone. With the Song “Victoriam” supports the action of #corona care boards in Germany.

Now “Victoriam” to listen to Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good purpose of FOCUS Online, Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good purpose

“Sometimes I’m stumped”

Sometimes the chaplains do not have an answer. When the pandemic is over, when all processes return to normal. Not to say “once, ‘I know’ or ‘I feel the same’, is no shame,” says Jeck. Admit it, he would also want often by some politicians.

“Finally, this Virus affects all of us, the whole world. Of course, I also have questions to answer, neither politicians nor virologists. And of course I have Worries, too.“

Instead, he will tell the callers that he expected that the government would do the best possible, what could be done. “And I’m absolutely convinced.”

Also, regardless of the Corona of the time, it was for Jeck important, be honest to admit, if he has no answer. “Sometimes I’m just stumped. But that’s okay. Me and my conversation partner for us, relieving us both. And it also creates links of communion.“

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