The dreaded Alzheimer’s disease begins decades before the symptoms of the brain removal show. The disease broke out, is only moderately delay or mitigate the impact. Also the relatives of the patient are then prepared seldom on the necessary changes in everyday life. An uncomplicated early detection of Alzheimer’s disease scientists are working so far, however, in vain.

Currently, changes in the brain that occur before the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can be, only with a positron-Emission-tomography (PET) detected. Also, a measurement of Amyloid and Tau proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is possible. Both methods are time-consuming, expensive and invasive.

Now, several teams of researchers have presented at the annual conference of the American Alzheimer’s Association of studies on progress in blood tests. One of them opens up the possibility of 20 years to detect before the Onset of dementia symptoms changes in the brain. The study was recently published in the “Jama Network”. Scientists estimate that it could come in two to three years on the market.

blood tests aim to Tau proteins in the brain: P-Tau217 and P-Tau181

Generally speaking, changes in the proteins Amyloid and Tau are the decisive signs of Alzheimer’s in the brain. It is believed that the Tau bundles in favour of the Amyloid deposits. Special significance for Alzheimer’s disease-formation of the levels of P has-Tau217.

This Tau Protein is particularly characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease and shows as the first measurable changes. It is increased in Alzheimer’s disease seven-fold. The climb begins about 20 years before the Onset of cognitive limitations – that is, at least, of patients with genetic Alzheimer’s known.

The scientists Oskar Hansson of the Swedish University of Lund came in their study to the conclusion that “the accuracy of the diagnosis by means of P-Tau217 in the blood was the same as well-established diagnostic methods, including imaging by means of positron-Emission-tomography (PET) and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers”.

More on Alzheimer’s disease-early detection:

  • early recognition of dementia: a blood test shows the disease 16 years before the first symptoms
  • Alzheimer’s is announced: If you are constantly thinking negative, can recognizes your risk

P-increase Tau217 in the blood of Alzheimer’s disease with high accuracy

she studied for her work in three different groups with a total of more than 1400 cases: Alzheimer’s patients in the Swedish Biofinder-2 study, a patient group of the Arizona study of aging and neurodegenerative diseases as well as patients with genetic Alzheimer’s disease from the Colombian directory of autosomal-dominant Alzheimer’s disease.

they analyzed Alzheimer’s disease-relevant biomarkers in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (P-Tau217, P-Tau181, Amyloid-beta 42/40 and light Neurofilament-light chain) and demonstrated with PET imaging of Tau-and Amyloid clumping.

The most important result of the study was that P-Tau217 could be distinguished in the blood of Alzheimer’s disease with a diagnostic accuracy between 89 and 98 percent of other neuro-degenerative diseases. Thus, P-Tau217 for the determination of Alzheimer’s more accurately than the other investigated biomarkers. The performance of the Tests was similar to the results of PET imaging and biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid.

study leader Oskar Hansson sees the Test as an early detection possibility of individual risk. He says: “The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease before the stage of dementia is mainly used for clinical studies on new therapies is important, the slow down the course of the disease or even could stop.” Alzheimer’s 16 years before the outbreak discover: researchers develop new blood test, FOCUS Online/Wochit Alzheimer’s 16 years before the outbreak discover: researchers develop new blood test

a blood test that measures Amyloid and Tau, shows disease progress

A slightly different approach on the way to Alzheimer’s blood test, the Team followed to Suzanne Schindler, Washington University in St. Louis. The researchers used mass spectrometry to map Tau proteins in the blood plasma. The results are compared with measurements by means of PET-imaging or in cerebrospinal fluid.

they found that P-Tau217 had in comparison to the better-known P-Tau181, a closer connection with the build-up of Amyloid deposits in the brain. In addition, the results suggest that regular measurement of various P-Tau levels in the blood than the Doctors a more accurate picture of the progression of their Alzheimer’s patients allow.

according to The researchers, a blood test that measures Amyloid and Tau could lead to earlier and more accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia, and this not only in subjects in clinical research, but also in patients in the practice.

blood test instead of PET, is cheaper, easier and available anywhere

Elisabeth Thijssen from the Memory and Aging Center of the University of California in San Francisco compared in a study of the Tau-proteins, P-Tau181 and P-Tau217 in terms of their significance for a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

The subjects had part of a Biomarker-confirmed diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or suffering from a neurodegenerative disease in the Frontal and temporal lobes of the brain (FTLD). A third group consisted of healthy control participants.

The Alzheimer’s patients showed a three-fold increase in plasma concentration of P-Tau181 compared to the other two groups. The increase of P-Tau217 in the Plasma of Alzheimer’s patients was even more pronounced: five-fold compared to the healthy control group and four-fold in the ratio with FTLD. Fear of Alzheimer’s? So your risk is already before, FOCUS Online/Wochit fear of Alzheimer’s to say? So your risk is today, before

to say according to The researchers, the study shows that both P-Tau181 and P-Tau217 the power of PE correspond to Scans. P-Tau181 had an accuracy of 91 and P-Tau217 an accuracy of 96 percent.

none of the Alzheimer’s blood tests ready for the market. However, the researchers are sure that you are on the right path to a cheap and simple early detection. It is more than likely that these blood tests for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and as monitoring tools in clinical trials for the effect of new treatments of Alzheimer’s disease useful.

“The possibility of an early diagnosis and thus a treatment before Alzheimer’s disease has damaged the brain significantly, would be for patients, their families and the health care system to make revolutionary changes,” said Maria C. Carrillo, science Director of the Alzheimer’s Association of the development of Alzheimer’s blood tests. Vaccination with a side effect: New Alzheimer’s study shows unexpected results, FOCUS Online/Wochit vaccinations with a side effect: New Alzheimer’s study shows unexpected results
