everything is connected with Everything – this holistic view is in the drug research is not very popular. There is cause and effect, and are not blurred relationships. For stomach acid blockers, there are numerous studies, the the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) side effects of blame, which go far beyond the actual effect. Solid evidence is scarce, but.

The PPI acid blockers inhibit skin an enzyme in the stomach lining and reduce the production of stomach acid. Heartburn and Reflux can be treated, mitigated, but also the stomach inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Doctors prescribe every year, more than three billion daily doses . In the low-dose Version that is without the prescription, were reported sold in the past year, more than five million packs – 13 percent of the total PPI sales, such as “time Online”. Stomach acid blockers are among the most commonly swallowed drugs.

Allergy to risk of death – stomach acid blockers should debt be made

In the years since 2009, as the over-the-counter dosages came on the market, the PPI acid blocker for serious disorders is partly responsible. Studies that have been published in internationally renowned journals, were among the proton pump inhibitors, increased the risk for:

  • dementia
  • heart attack
  • osteoporosis
  • kidney disease
  • stomach cancer
  • allergies
  • infections.

A study noted for the consumers of PPIs, even a generally higher risk of death than for comparison individuals, which no acid blocker revenue.

More on the risks of stomach acid blockers :

  • risky practice – Doctors – blocker
  • Controversial tablets-researchers to prescribe to stomach acid discover a new side effect

acid blockers, and corona virus – disease risk, or random correlation?

Two new studies have now also found a negative influence of the gastric medium for infections with the new Coronavirus.

An Online survey-based study came to the conclusion that PPI users are more common with Sars-CoV-2 infected than others. They got twice to four times as likely to have a positive Corona test result.

another, on the Preprint Server MedRvix published survey found a twice as high mortality rate for PPI patients in the control group.

Any amount of studies, slim body of evidence

The Problem of all these studies is that it is pure observation are studies that prove any specific cause-and-effect connection. Also, the authors of the Corona-studies acknowledged the fast that you would only have found a correlation and that they would sell advise any patients, the gastric medium.

For the PPI studies from the years before the pandemic, a large meta-analysis came to the University of Nashville to the sobering conclusion that the “quality” of Proof for negative effects of a long-term PPI intake is very low.

Even a three-year comparative study with 18,000 participants showed no evidence of adverse long-term effects of taking stomach acid blockers.

‘t side effects, but wrong intake to the risk

the problem is the drugs are however, if also for other reasons: The people you take

  • without a medical consultation
  • too high
  • too long
  • for all sorts of stomach-intestinal complaints.

The Discontinuation of stomach acid blockers after prolonged use, many users is difficult, because the gastric mucosa, initially with an excessive acid reacts production. Resume heartburn and Reflux is then treated with the blockers – a vicious circle.

A permanently altered acid environment makes it prone to gastro-intestinal infections – and that is actually a unwanted effect of proton pump inhibitors.

This is a stomach medication that helps relates to Covid-19-patients

What is the stomach resources for Covid-19 patients, there are even good news: The drug Famotidine for heartburn, Reflux and gastric ulcers, helped hospital patients with a severe course to better prospects. In China, doctors had found that it blockers patients went the cheap acid inhibitor in revenue, better than the sick, with the more expensive PPI Acid.

Doctors at the Presbytarian Hospital in New York administered for 84 of its total of 1600 Covid-19-patients in the gastric protection. The risk, in the hospital intubation and ventilation was only half as large as in the case of the sick who did not get the drug. Also deaths occurred with gastric protection only half as often as in the group of other patients. May be the drug slows down the dreaded cytokine storm. Coronavirus holds Europe in check, so the current situation in the countries of PCP Coronavirus is keeps Europe in check, so the current situation in the countries of

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