In the end of April, published a study at the Charité, the Team virologist Christian Drosten came to the conclusion that “there are no significant differences between children and adults” in the viral load, if it’s about how contagious young people. This statement took politicians nationwide very seriously and related the findings with a in your decision about daycare and school openings in the States.

children Are less contagious?

The “image”-newspaper attacks the scientists on Monday with a story and the headline: “Drosten-study of infectious children grossly incorrect”. “How long will white the Star virologist of it”, asks the newspaper in their Online edition in the line.

charge: Drosten was with his study “completely wrong”. He should have worked “dirty”. The sheet quoted by Professor Leonhard Hero from the Institute for epidemiology, biostatistics and prevention at the University of Zurich: “The findings need to be interpreted with some caution.” There is moderate evidence for an “increasing viral load with increasing age”. Means in plain text: your children may be less contagious.

Furthermore, the statistics quoted by Professor Dominik Liebl from the University of Bonn with the words: “The average virus load of the age group is Kindergarten by 86 per cent, lower than the mean viral load of the age group of the Elderly.” The Mannheim-based statistics Professor Christoph Rothe in the article to word: “the fact That such large differences of the authors are classified as ‘not significant’, is due to the fact that the statistical methods used are very weak.”

virologist Drosten defends itself against report

These attacks don’t want to leave Drosten sit up. On Twitter, the 48-published-Year-old, the question of the “image”newspaper, and wrote to sharp: “it is Interesting: the #image plans to the detriment of a tendentious reporting of our Vorpublikation Virus and trying to quote scraps from scientists with no connection. Should I take within an hour position. I have Better things to do.“

– Cited scientists distance themselves

Also in the article cited Christoph Rothe is on Twitter immediately: “no one from #image spoke to me, and I dissociate myself from this kind of reporting.”

The Same applies to Dominik Liebl: “I knew nothing of the request, the IMAGE and distance myself from these sort of people are under pressure to put on the strongest possible terms. We can have more lucky @c_drosten and his Team at the science location of Germany. They saved lifes!“

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