Not only deafness isolates those who are victims, but it is in addition to the origin of cognitive decline. However, advanced age is often accompanied by a decrease in hearing. This explains why 89 % of seniors surveyed by Harris Interactive* to Santéclair, in the framework of the Observatory of course of care of the French, consider this problem as a public health issue important. And which deserve to be better taken into account, say two-thirds of them.

According to the survey, 38 % of the more than 50 years of age admit to a feeling of hearing problems, but they are only 10 % reported wearing a hearing aid. The lack of equipment is due mainly to two reasons : half say they do not have problems significant enough to require such equipment, and 4 in 10 say they do not have the financial means. However, the majority of people paired (84 %) is very widely satisfied with the equipment of his auditory.

Missing information

just over half of the more than 50 years, is well informed about the issues of the hearing. The proportion is the lowest among the 50-59 years of age… in particular concerning the level of financial support of such care, the cost of equipment or support that it is possible to get to the different actors of the health system. In the Face of this lack of information, they identify the medical profession as an actor of reference to which to turn to be filled : 94% of them would turn to an ENT, 84 % to a general practitioner / her treating physician. Follow the professionals (73 %) and additional health (68 %).

The first apparatus passes necessarily through two stages : the prescription by an ENT, after a hearing test, and the purchase at a hearing. However, only 54 % of those experiencing hearing problems, but are not yet paired said they had already consulted an ENT and 30 % are considering doing so. The consultation of a hearing healthcare professional has not been undertaken by 15%, 35 % thinking the do… 46 % do think not even !


according to the survey, 72 % of seniors have heard of the recent reform of the 100 % Health, and 72 % of its provisions in the field of audiology (29 % having a definite vision of what it is, 43% no). When they say they are aware of these provisions, 9 out of 10 understood that the total support will focus on a selection of audioprothèses and not on all of the devices existing on the market, nearly two-thirds considering that the selection of devices eligible for 100 % Health will be restricted, and the other third thinking to the contrary, that it will be broad and will cover the needs of most people requiring equipment.

To consult a hearing care professional, 9 senior citizens 10 with a complementary health deem useful as it directs them to a professional that it frames the practice and rates. Yet, 69 % of these same people do not know if they can benefit from a network of partners specialists. This finding is in parallel with the fact that many seniors who have a complementary seem not to be familiar with the safeguards provided for in their contract for the management of hearing problems or feel that they do not cover this type of expense.

* this Survey was conducted online from January 28 to February 4, 2020, by Harris Interactive for Santéclair, with a sample of 1 505 people representative of the French aged 50 years and above according to the method of quotas. Are designated as “seniors”, the French for 50 years and more.