The pure desire for the love of the game is not always the reason for Sex. Couples also go for many other reasons each other to bed, as the result of a representative study of elite partners, which was released in February 2020. (Also read: According to the study, couples have more Sex, if men during the period Tampons get)

study shows different reasons for Sex

For the study were 4,000 people in relationships when asked how often you have Sex and for what reasons. Although the desire is matched with two-thirds of women (62 percent) and men (67 per cent) the most common occasion for Sex, but shortly thereafter, other reasons to follow. With 58 percent of the physical attraction also plays a major role and lands on the second place of the Rankings. Just as crucial is the emotional closeness between the partners is – so-61 percent of women and 57 percent of men feel that the sexual act as the important connection to the other close.

men indulge more often similar than women

So both partners in the motivations for Sex, the results of the survey also have a significant difference: more men (52 percent) initiate Sex more often, because you want to pamper your partner. Only 46 percent of women have Sex to give your Partner something Good. For this, one in three women (34 percent) seduce your Partner, to feel desirable and attractive. In the case of men, only 25 percent have Sex for this reason.

Sex, because the other one like it? This happens even at 46 percent of women and 49 percent of men in relationships on a regular basis.

act of love for stress reduction

Some people may engage in Sex when the head is free. However, 23 percent of men and 19 percent of the women it is different – you need Sex to relieve Stress. Especially in the case of academics, it was rarely a Motivation for the act of love, the elite partner study. 25 percent of women and 28 percent of men with a high school diploma from the Sex like air. (Also interesting: So often women dream of, according to the study of Sex)

eating at home

According to the investigation, the reason for Sexgelüste sun but sometimes also outside the relationship and in well-functioning partnerships: A pretty colleague, or an attractive woman on the street result in 15 per cent of the partnered men are “often” or “very often” to want Sex. In women, only seven percent citing this as a Motivation for the love of the game.

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