A worrying situation. Monday, 15 June, Guyana was 1 of 326 persons positive for coronavirus, of whom 11 patients in the icu, 59 hospitalizations, 3 deaths and 552 patients can be considered cured. The number of positive cases has doubled in the last eight days. This territory remains one of the only ones to be always ranked in orange, one month after the beginning of the déconfinement. Guyana is spent in stage 3 of the epidemic as announced on Monday, the prefecture and the regional Agency of health.

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stage 3 means that the virus is circulating actively on the territory as a whole, “and not just in limited areas,” recalls the prefecture. Recent epidemiological investigations of reported cases in recent days can now attest to this active circulation. In total, 566 positive cases were detected on 2.077 tests performed from 7 to 13 June, a rate of positivity of 27,25 % in seven days.” Specifically, the passage of the Guyana in stage 3 should lead everyone to assume that he can now come across a infectious person in his everyday life, regardless of his place of residence “, explained the prefecture and the ARS. The continuation of the second round of municipal elections on 28 June, is still in question. The territorial community of Guyana has asked for its postponement.

A hardening of the measures of restriction of movement

The prefecture has also introduced a new tightening measures of restriction of movement on the town of Cayenne where the curfew will now be from 19: 00 to 05: 00 Monday to Friday, and the weekend of Saturday 19: 00 to Monday 05: 00. She also announced the ” generalization of wearing a mask in public space and professional “, and ” the generalisation of telework when it is possible. “The containment is still in effect in Saint-Georges de l’oyapock and Camopi, on the border with Brazil, and in the City rainbow in Rémire-Montjoly.

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