Göring-Eckhardt takes countries to task: “be Careful not to us the Situation

slipping away” Green party chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt has called the Corona outbreaks after a Church service in Frankfurt am Main and a restaurant visit to lower Saxony to be vigilant. The countries have a responsibility to check their rules again and again, said Goering-Eckardt, the Newspapers of the Funke media group by Sunday. Many of them had driven up the loose forward. “Now you can see that we are slipping away from the Situation,” warned the Green party politician. dpa/Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central image/dpabild Katrin Goering-Eckardt speaks in the Bundestag.

In lower Saxony, had reported to the authorities before a larger Corona outbreak in connection with a visit to a restaurant in the district of Leer. After a re-opening of the restaurant in a closed society, infected probably at least eleven people, such as the district announced. Ten of them were there on the 15. May, another man was later. More cases of infection were not excluded also.

The district of Leer, also Point to violations of the Corona is rules. “From the Clues available to us, the result is circumstantial evidence that on the evening of the 15th. May may have been against Corona rules,” said district administrator Matthias Groote.

In Frankfurt am Main there were several Corona-infections after a worship service in a Baptist Church at 10. May. At least 40 people were there, such as the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, citing the health Department of Frankfurt announced on Main. Including several families from the adjoining Main were-Kinzig-Kreis.

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