According to the latest figures released Thursday by the Directorate-general of Health (DGS), France has recorded 27 deaths additional related to the Covid-19 in the hospitals, bringing to 29 346 the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. At the same time, the number of severe cases of Covid-19 requiring hospitalization in the icu continues to fall: 26 new patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit, for a total of 903 (30 less than Wednesday). The DGS confirms the downward curve for the more severe cases since the peak reached at the beginning of April (with more than 7 000 patients while in the icu due to the coronavirus). In total, 11 465 people are hospitalized for an infection COVID-19, with 143 new admissions recorded in 24 hours, but a daily balance is negative (-213).

The data for deaths in institutions, social and medico-social (10 384 to date) will be updated on the 16th of June by public Health, France. “The virus continues to circulate,” according to the DGS, making state of more than 200 combinations of case (or “clusters”) located from the 9th of may, but all under control. But “no cluster do testify to this day of a transmission community-based non-controlled”. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 103 067 people were hospitalized, including 18 167 resuscitation (cpr). 72 149 people have returned home.

Read also Covid-19 : what is the Pr Delfraissy ?”

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