The fear of a renewed global Lockdown is great. In addition to the financial impact of the Corona-measures to ensure social tensions. It is the dental practices show how you can reduce with a technological effort, the risk of infection.

in the Meantime, it is known that the Coronavirus is widespread, possibly via aerosols and droplets. The most common scientific assumption is saith, Coughs, or breathes for a Patient, produces a beam of different-sized droplets, and aerosols.

This takes in the room air. In many cases, these aerosols-clouds over several hours. People that are in the vicinity of the diseased Person or share a room, can become infected thus.

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Why dental practices are no Hotspots?

are Actually particularly at risk dentists. While drilling around in the mouth cavity of the patient, will release large volumes of droplets and aerosols.

Actually, dental practices would have to be Hotspots for the spread of the infection, but that is not according to the current state of knowledge of the case. Background, the technical Equipment, which is used in many practices is.

Especially the many security technologies would reduce the spread of Infection, explains Dietmar Oesterreich, Vice-President of the Federal chamber of dentists, in an interview with the “Wirtschaftswoche”.

for extractors, the use dentists, remove almost 90 percent of the small droplets. The risk of infection is drastically reduced. In addition, the tooth would be borne by physicians and their employees masks and goggles, and the rooms are connected to air cleaning devices.

Such air filtering devices are, in many countries it is already compulsory. They purify the air with UV-light, ozone, or special Filters. South Korea had introduced in 2003 after the Sars outbreak in lung clinics. Meanwhile, they are also found in schools, kindergartens and universities.

Airlines take the Hepa System

In Europe, many Airlines have adopted the so-called Hepa System. Hepa stands for High efficiency particulate air. The smallest virus particles, which could lead to a infection, should be filtered out of the air. Passengers wear a mouth and nose cover, is the risk of infection is very low. In the Corona of a crisis is to fly as a sure.

experts predict that air filtration equipment be installed in the next few years, worldwide, in schools, kindergartens and other public buildings. Currently, there are different systems and manufacturers that provide such devices.

commercially available filter devices cost between 100 and 1000 euros. The companies deserve especially through the replaceable Filter. They cost between 20 and 100 Euro.

Particularly effective against the current Covid-19-Virus, the UV-C seems to be light. The scientists from the University of Boston found out. Virus particles were the ultra-radiant violet destroyed in several Tests.

“Our test results indicate that viruses, radiation of a certain dose of UV-C completely inactivated Within seconds, we were able to prove no more Virus,” said Dr. Anthony Griffiths, Associate Professor of Microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine,. The study was conducted in collaboration with the light company Signify by Philipps. The company wants to introduce in the next few months equal to 12 UV-C disinfection systems.

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In the focus schools, offices, toilets, hotel rooms, Bus, train, theatres and cinemas, it is in a excerpt. The products include Sensors, which are only in operation, when neither men nor animals were in the room. And here’s the kicker. For man, the rays are not completely harmless.

Swiss Federal office with concerns

The Federal office for radiation protection warns about such devices. UV-C light is dangerous to humans, emphasizing the authority in a press release. The ultra violet radiation could cause harm in large quantities, the “genetic material” and cancer is “worrying”. In addition, the radiation could damage “the surface tissue of the eye”, and also acute skin problems such as sunburn are possible.

However, it continues: “The effectiveness of such UV-C disinfection lamps will not be reviewed by the BfS and evaluated. The BfS gives no product recommendations, but warns against UV-disinfection devices on the body.

The concerns of the Federal office for radiation protection, many scientists share. Therefore, the research of systems operates to control the circulation of air, so that aerosols and droplets are guided to the cleaning devices. Also Philips uses such a method in its products.

An important challenge barriers found in the spaces be there. In the supermarket can be, for example, shelves and office tables, cabinets and writing. The fear is: an aerosol clouds remain to desks and cabinets, could be employees through the disaster.

in addition to Signify the Korean provider INBair, the company Dyson or Alpex air cleaning systems on the market is of the essence. How to be in the fight against the pandemic, a role play, you need to research and practice show.

However, Such methods to clean the air, not only in dental practices are applied.

*The contribution of “Corona-the fear of the second wave: we Need now the dentist principle?” is published by Contact with the executives here.