The so-called Pool procedure to increase the test capacity in SARS-CoV-2 “from now on, dramatically, worldwide,” it said in a Statement, the University of Frankfurt. The researchers published their findings by the end of April in a trade magazine.
such As Pool Tests work?
In the case of the so-called Pool-Tests is not examined each sample individually on the Coronavirus. It is a Test of the taken smears is more, it is mostly made of ten, persons. These are referred to as “Pool”.
the Test Is negative, also tested all of the ten people in the Pool are negative. The Test is positive, must be analysed in every ten persons individually. However, the identification of the Infected takes, according to researchers usually only about four hours. The procedures have proved to be very reliable.
Is already tested in the Pool-procedure?
The University of the Saarland has started according to the “doctors blade” already at the end of April, Corona-Tests using the Pool-procedure. In cooperation with the Saarland Ministry of health, all seniors and caregivers in 131 nursing homes in the Saarland would be tested.
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Sigrun Smola Director of the Institute for Virology at the University hospital, said the “Ärzteblatt”: “in Order to protect groups of people who can suffer hard to a Coronavirus infection, the better, we need you, but also the staff, medical care, and maintains, a Coronavirus infection test.” The concern about patients with certain pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular diseases or cancer diagnoses in hospitals, residents of nursing homes and retirement homes. Smola said this could only succeed, “if we perform a large scale Coronavirus-Tests.”
Drosten recommends to the Pool-Tests
The principle of the Pool-testing is generally not new. The method has been used longer, for example, for the investigation of blood donations, when on Hepatitis and HIV is to be tested.
Christian Drosten holds the method advisable. In his NDR Podcast “Coronavirus-Update” he advises the procedure for “testing in the Pool, where you are testing several low probable Tests together”. Drosten holds the method, for example in the case of educators in day-care centres makes sense.
Currently, the Pool method is used especially in the case of groups that have a low likelihood of Infection and should be tested regularly. Such as Doctors, nurses, and residents. Trump in the storm of criticism: the Germans think about the US-the Chaos FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump in the storm of criticism: the Germans think about the U.S.-Chaos