In Germany have been 185.812 people positive for the Coronavirus tested. The health from the messages of the Country and social ministries on Wednesday. Of the 355 cases more than on Thursday. In the Saarland, no new Corona cases were registered, for Bremen conclude to the editorial, no new data. Number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Germany rise to 185.812, 8.755 deaths

here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 35.094 (1.805 deaths)
  • Bavaria: 47.580 (2.534 deaths)
  • Berlin: 7.251 (208 deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3.313 (170 deaths)
  • Bremen: 1.574 (45 deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5.138 (227 deaths)
  • Hesse: 10.313 (489 deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 781 (20 deaths)
  • lower Saxony: 12.768 (613 deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 39.058 (1.643 deaths)
  • Rheinland-Pfalz: 6.823 (231 deaths)
  • Saarland is: 2.751 (170 deaths)
  • Saxony: 5.340 (216 deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1.735 (56 deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3.119 (150 deaths)
  • Thüringen: 3.174 (178 deaths)

total (as of 12.06., 21.18 PM): 185.812 (8.755 deaths)

previous day (as of 11.06., 19.47 PM): 185.457 (8738 deaths)

a source to the numbers Infected and death: country health and social ministries.

The number of the Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 171.600.

Current from the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,87 (as of 12.06.)

so Far, 8.763 people died of the consequences of the Coronavirus. The number of Recovering is according to the Robert Koch-Institute in 171.600. The R value is decreased compared to the previous day’s marginal, and is at 0.87. This indicates how many other people an Infected person infects on average. After sexist comment: the SPD politician AfD-man in the Landtag buttons before FOCUS Online/Wochit After sexist comment: the SPD politician buttoned AfD-man in the Parliament before.
