Also colleague of Corona-discoverer of Li Ruifeng, Wuhan died

In the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan died, another doctor at the consequences of the Coronavirus. The urologist Hu Weifeng had already died on Friday after four months of treatment at Covid-19 and related complications, reported state broadcaster CCTV on Tuesday. He is the first official Corona Dead in the people’s Republic of for weeks. In the case of the new mass tests in Wuhan, the authorities reported meanwhile, 300 Infected.

Hu was a colleague of the young ophthalmologist, Li Ruifeng, who had warned as one of the first in front of the novel Coronavirus, as a result of the authorities have been bullied and at the beginning of February itself, the infection had died. The urologist worked like Li at the Central hospital of Wuhan. He is the sixth doctor in the clinic that did not survive infection with the Virus.

His fate moved people across China, after the media had published pictures of him as a Patient. They showed how Hus skin due to a severe liver damage black had become. The Central hospital has not reported Hus’s death until Tuesday officially. How many Doctors, nurses, and caregivers were overall, the epidemic in China to the victims, is also unclear. dpa/-/APTN/Reuters The Chinese doctor Li Ruifeng had early warning of the Virus.

a Total of 4634 people were killed according to official statistics, so far, in the people’s Republic, since the Virus took the end of the year in Wuhan with its output. The authorities have the outbreak reported to be largely under control, however, you registered in may, a number of new infections in the city of Wuhan. Out of fear of a second wave, they began to test the eleven million inhabitants of the city to the Virus.

As the health authorities on Tuesday reported to have been from 14. May to 1. In June, more than 9.8 million people tested. 300 of them the infection had been detected,-said Deputy head of the Chinese CDC, Feng Zijian, journalists in Beijing. Some of the Infected showed no symptoms, he added – asymptomatic cases are listed in the Chinese statistics. According to the expert, Lu Zuxun, none of the symptom infected free Infected other people.

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