Specifically, it is the hair follicle and sebaceous glands mites. You will be attacked be transferred from person to person, with babies during the first contact with the mother, as the “ärzte Zeitung” writes. They occur mainly in the follicles of the face and the hairy scalp.

mite infestation is usually harmless, but it can occur in a sebaceous gland disease

A mite infestation is usually harmless, they belong to the normalfl aura of the people. The mites can also trigger an inflammatory sebaceous glands disease in the face, the so-called demodicosis. According to the journal, the skin is reddened and then, there were papules or pustules occur, the skin may shed and partially itching. A demodicosis appear preferably on the cheek, the chin or the forehead.

Should you be uncertain whether you are affected, you should consult a skin doctor. Tablets and creams to help. In FOCUS Online At FOCUS Online/Wochit In the
