Almost one in every three adults has a more or less pronounced disorder of the thyroid gland, the butterfly is shaped, below the larynx. In many cases, the change is so small that it does not cause any complaints. Function disorders often occur in phases of life, in which, in General, the hormonal situation changes, i.e. puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.

thyroid symptoms are so varied and nonspecific, that you can also have many other causes. “Typical thyroid” there is, therefore, hardly. Exciting, but just no time?

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For the health and well-being, it is extremely important that the thyroid is working freely: it regulates the metabolic processes in almost all cells, in children, the development of organs, the nervous system and the muscles. The thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Gets the thyroid has enough Iodine, it produces too little thyroid hormones. It is too much or the thyroid gland gets the wrong signals from neurotransmitters in the brain, it comes to unbridled hormone production, both of which leads to dysfunction or to abnormal growth of the gland.

The theme :

  • more and more Germans suffer from iodine deficiency – it is quite simple to prevent
  • Instead of tablets: How do you keep up with the right food your thyroid healthy

So the body shows, the thyroid gland too little doing

means A under function (hypothyroidism) , that the thyroid gland makes too little or no thyroid hormones. This weakness can be congenital, but also later train. The result is that the metabolic processes of the body to drain slows down. Older people tend to under-function of the thyroid gland.

At about ten percent of the people, which is a function of chronic, the inflamed thyroid gland producing too few hormones. The chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is one of the most common autoimmune diseases. Scientists suspect recently, that thyroid disorder could be the root cause for each of the second Depression.

So the body shows that the thyroid> hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) accelerates the hormone-Turbo lights

A <strong the entire metabolism. Often of a permanent advance is a function of even a Hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid hormones to derail. Especially in old age, the symptoms are pronounced rather weak and, especially in heart problems.

A special Form of hyperthyroidism Mobus graves ‘ is. This autoimmune disorder to stimulate antibodies to the thyroid gland to constantly hormones. The disease is characterized by passing eyeballs are out, because the fat tissue grows behind it. /iStockphoto The thyroid gland is the largest hormone gland in the body

1. Hardly noticeable interfering signal: the goiter

Is the Jodnachschub too low, the thyroid to fish through growth as much as possible from the blood. Gradually, a goiter develops, medical: Struma. In the particularly jodarmen Alpine region, goiter bumps were so big as a child’s head is not rare. Today, an enlarged thyroid gland is still the most common anomaly of the organ. But it is detected early and is treatable. Often you can recognize a moderately enlarged thyroid gland from the outside, when the person swallows.

The swelling of the lower neck region with an inner feeling of tightness or difficulty swallowing, may be connected. Often a fitting turtleneck is perceived as very unpleasant.

2. Always tired? Or permanently under power?

thyroid disorders can have a significant effect on the energy level and mood. A sub-function, leads to the fact that people feel tired, sluggish and lacking in motivation. The concentration and the efficiency decline. The heartbeat slows down, the Libido decreases. Even depression can develop, and the power and concentration of the sub-function to suffer.

The Hyperfunction of the thyroid leads to sleep disorders, nervousness and irritability. Restlessness and mood swings are among the symptoms. In addition, the heart beats constantly quickly.

3. Shivering or sweating?

A thyroid disorder, can alter the regulation of body temperature.

it is Typical for people with an under-function is that you always have to be cold, you shiver and freeze quickly.

The thyroid gland-has to endure the opposite effect: the Affected heat can be difficult, make you sweat quickly and at a moderately warm outside temperature.

4. Little to eat and grow? Weight loss in spite of ravenous appetite?

If the body weight increases, without you having to put any more food, or if the pounds are in a diet simply do not less, can be a sub-function of the thyroid gland behind it. The low hormone levels and a slow metabolism for more weight.

the thyroid gland Produces more hormones than the body can handle, drop the pounds, also without eating habits.

5. Constipation or diarrhea?

The hormones of the thyroid gland even have the effect on the intestinal activity, according to the slowed or accelerated metabolism.

Therefore, it comes with an under-function frequently to constipation and bloating. The thyroid gland is often cramps with abdominal and diarrhea associated.

6. Hair loss and bad skin?

hair loss can be the consequence of both Under – as well as Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The hormones influence the growth cycle. In combination with noticeable dry skin there is a suspicion on a under function. The skin surface is moist always easy, it is rather an Overactive, the hair very fine regrowth, and quickly dropped.

So the doctor can help if the thyroid is going crazy

An enlarged thyroid gland may demonstrate to the doctor by ultrasound. A blood sample will be analyzed in the laboratory, first of all, on the concentration of the hormone TSH. TSH is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland and hormone production of the thyroid gland in.

In the case of conspicuous values is then sought after the actual thyroid hormones T3 and T4 or antibodies in a Hashimoto’s is suspected.

Shows the ultrasonic nodes, the doctor can perform a scintigraphy with radio-labelled active substances and, possibly, a biopsy, a Tumor, to exclude. Thyroid cancer is rare, can hide behind a “cold”, i.e. non-hormone-producing nodes.

In the case of an Overactive thyroid are prescribed so-called anti-thyroid drugs. You should reduce the production of thyroid hormones.

The fight sub-function with thyroid hormones in tablet form. This can quickly lead to significant improvement if the doctor finds the correct dosage. Many people with an underactive thyroid should take hormones for the Rest of your life.

The life-long hormone administration also applies if a thyroid surgery will be necessary.

you can do for the thyroid

The self-help for the thyroid is limited in principle to the prevention. And that means first and foremost, a good supply of healthy thyroid with the trace elements Iodine, selenium and zinc as well as protein.

Iodine, we can just take the food to us. But only a few foods provide plenty of them. And since Germany is one of the jodärmsten regions of Europe, iodized table salt for most of the best source of iodine to meet daily requirements. Fish and seafood are also good suppliers.

A thyroid-friendly diet, however, is more likely to prevent a malfunction than to fight it. Who are already taking thyroid hormones will not be able to replace it with a couple of food. Additional iodine-containing products are then often even harmful.

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