The Prosecutor’s office of Lleida has solicitadodos and a half years in prison for the rapper Pablo Rivadulla, popularly known as Pablo Hasél, for an alleged fight with a witness in a trial for alleged injuries of a local police to a child, a friend of the singer, three years ago.

In the trial, which was held this Wednesday in the Criminal Court 3 of Lleida, the alleged complainant and the rapper have held contradictory versions, and the prosecutor has kept the petition for a year and nine months for obstructing justice, for allegedly spread the image of the witness in social networks, and nine more months for alleged threats, and in addition has claimed a fine of 7.560 euros for abuse mild.

Hasél has ensured that the witness was not telling the truth in the judgment of three years ago, has acknowledged that he has participated in a social media campaign against this man and has told her that he was taking a walk with her dog when the man approached him, with an attitude threatening and you to defend him hit a kick to what the other person responded by hitting him with an umbrella.

The complainant, for its part, has told her that he expected the school to your daughter and Hasél approached him and asked if he was waiting, he hit him a kick and said: “You testificaste against my companion.” Also has told, that Hasél and other people made against him, a campaign in September 2016, which he considers to be “unfair”. Questions by the prosecutor, the witness has said that Hasél told him to kill him, which the rapper has denied in its initial declaration and final. For its part, the defence lawyer has considered that there is no evidence of the crimes of which he accuses Hasél by what you have asked for his acquittal.

In recent days, Hasél has written on the social networks, with their background, “any conviction would be added and would be imprisoned”. The National court sentenced him to two years in jail and a day and a fine of 24.300 euros to the singer for the offences of glorifying terrorism, with the aggravating circumstance of recidivism, and libel and slander against the Crown and Institutions of the State becoming figures of members of terrorist groups ETA and GRAPO in your Twitter profile.

In 2018, the board of Appeals of the National court reduced the sentence of two years and a day in prison for which he was sentenced to 9 months and a day in prison, to understand that, while the offence of glorification of terrorism and libel and slander against the Crown and the Institutions of the State, it should apply the legal minimum because their messages do not pose a “real risk” to the people.