Louise Schleich was 81 years old and, apart from their dementia, fit. In your retirement home, the old lady was popular. Now you died all alone – due to Corona.

Due to the Corona pandemic were banned visits to retirement and nursing homes temporarily. The 81-Year-old Louise Schleich lonely. She died. Her daughter says now: “Our mother is, but because of Corona died”. All the information about the Coronavirus in Bavaria you will find in our news-Ticker. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in the free state.

Oberschleißheim – Louise Schleich was 81 years old and, apart from their dementia , fit and in a good mood. In your upper schleissheimer AWO-Seniorenheim , where she lived for nine years, was the old lady popular, she was straightforward and friendly. But then, Corona came. Every Sunday the family came over in the upper schleissheimer AWO-seniorenheim, you laughed together and played “Memory”. The visits of their children Luise Schleich’s “Highlight” as the daughter of Heidi reminds Posselt.

imposed in the Wake of the output constraints the nursing home ban on a Visit, a week later, the Bavarian infection protection regulation with a stricter visiting and prohibition of entry for care institutions came into force then. For Louise Schleich, the chair was so far in its roll-on-the-go, this meant: it was in the main tied to the bed. When daughter Heidi called and the mom asked, she got the information: “eat well, sleep a lot.”

Coronavirus/Oberschleißheim – General condition of the 81-Year-old deteriorated

+ As a nice and sociable resident of galt Louise Schleich (R) at the AWO retirement home in oberschleissheim.©private

well, it was no longer soon. The General condition of the 81-Year-old deteriorated, an on-call doctor diagnosed edema, a lung. In the High-Phase of the Corona pandemic brought Louise Schleich, therefore, on 21. April “because of the uncertain diagnosis” in the Schwabinger hospital where the clinic had created a Department only for the supply of Covid-19-patients. But quickly the all-clear came: “A friendly Doctor told us that our mother is not suffering from Covid-19 ,” remembers Heidi Posselt.However, according to the Bavarian infection protection regulation was ruled out redeployment in the senior citizens ‘ Park, oberschleißheim for the first time. “According to our current assessment, it was during the hospitalization of their mother, a so-called inpatient stay, ( … ), whereby it was not possible for her mother to resume,” wrote Maike Hessel, consultant for elderly care of the AWO München, to explain to the children.

Elderly woman with a Corona infected: After the clinic, Luise may not be creeping back into the seniors home

The Problem: in the Schwabing hospital the non-Corona-infected 81-Year-old could. “We currently have simply no place for you”, has a daughter, Heidi explained, had not seen her mother until then, five weeks.

On 27. April finally found a solution for Luise creeping: it moved to the Beautiful-day clinic for dementia in Munich, where she came again in strict quarantine . The 81-Year-old, however, it was always worse: you whine loudly, is likely to suffer you to loneliness, informed the nursing staff of the family again and again. However, “mental” treat the Suffering man “with mood-brighteners and painkillers”. The family suffered: “My mother was afraid, she was appropriate! She didn’t understand at all what is happening around them,“ says daughter Heidi Posselt.

Luise creeping back in the home: A last goodbye to the family

On 6. May was Louise Schleich is finally back in her home in oberschleißheim. But her will to live did not come back any more; the children received meanwhile by E-Mail the offer to lead a digital Video-call via Skype with the mother. On 8. May finally, the family was summoned again. Two people might “due to the critical health state” from Luise creeping by exemption in a home. Heidi Posselt and her four siblings moved in together: “We wanted to say goodbye to all of them. We would have to draw lots, which of the two of us, again, to mom into the room?“ At the end of the staff looked the other way, just a few hours later, on the Morning of the 9. May, died in Louise Schleich. Their daughter, Heidi says: “My mom died not to Corona . She died because of Corona.“

After the death of 81-Year-old: “you can’t deal with the Weakest members of society!”

The daughter, neither the care facility, the hospitals make a charge: “This is a small good home. And the Doctors were all friendly.“ Nevertheless, it was “an absurdity, what you did to my mother”! Clearly, says Heidi Posselt, “sooner or later” would your mother die. “But since you didn’t have to endure seven weeks of Isolation!” The rules in the Bavarian infection protection law “contribute to the fact that old people die”. In particular, understanding of the threat posed by the Corona-pandemic, is therefore convinced: “you can’t deal with the Weakest members of society!”

All news from oberschleissheim and the whole district of Munich read always with us.