The arrangement of Markus Söder, in the entrance area of each country authority of a cross, to hang up, attracted to 2018 sensation. Now the dispute about the cross goes on.

The cross from Markus Söder let attracted in year 2018, a lot of attention. Now the cross is a case for the Bavarian administrative court . In an arrangement had then been decided that in the entrance area of each land authority a cross had to hang up.

Munich – The Anger to the cross, let the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder from the year 2018 will now be a case for the Bavarian administrative court.

Numerous complaints: Controversial Cross from Markus Söder, the case will be put in place for the administrative court

A court spokeswoman confirmed on Wednesday that a process around the controversial decree is pending. “This is made fresh for us,” said the spokeswoman. Earlier it became known that the administrative court of Munich “had referred to numerous” complaints against the decree of the higher authority.

had beaten let The Cross-high waves. Among others, the religion critical of the Federation for spirit liberty (BfG) had complained of 2018, against the Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), initiated by the Bavarian Cabinet adopted an arrangement, in the entrance area of each country authority of a cross to hang up. According to the will of the plaintiff, the Bavarian state should be obliged government to the cross-let’s take back and to have the crosses removed.

cross-armed in Bavaria: administrative court comments

The administrative court emphasised that it is a purely procedural decision was, because it was a norm control procedure and the administrative court is in this case responsible. “A decision on the legality of the cross-decree itself, is not associated with it”, stressed a spokesman for the administrative court.


a provocation of the Minister-President of Bavaria: it Was the cross-armed by Markus Söder from the outset calculated?