This Thursday the Basic Law celebrates its 75th birthday and with it the Federal Republic of Germany. Also today in Frankfurt were those who allegedly wanted to abolish this state order: nine members of the Reichsbürger group around Henry XIII. Prince Reuss, including the prince himself. Also the former AfD member of the Bundestag Birgit Malsack-Winkemann and some high-ranking ex-military people. It was the second day of the trial of the largest state security case in the 75 years of the Federal Republic of Germany.

After a first opening statement was read out by the defense of the defendant Findeisen-Juskowiak on Tuesday, three others followed suit that day. Below, one of the prince’s defense lawyers, Roman von Alvensleben, spoke on behalf of his client and referred to the birthday of the Basic Law. 

The institutions of the prosecution are respected, said von Alvensleben – especially with regard to today. And that is precisely why, according to the lawyer, one questions whether the defendant has not already been previously convicted. At least since the previous reporting. The presumption of innocence still applies. And instead of facts, the indictment mainly contains evaluations by the legal profession.

It is not a fiery opening statement, but apparently an attempt at a state-supporting speech, worthy of a prince. Nevertheless, the second day of the trial against Reuss and the eight other defendants did not lack boulevard-esque drama.

The focus was on the defendant and the prince’s partner, Vitalia B. It appears that the defendant’s defense has fallen out. To Vitalia B.’s right in the dock were her two public defenders, and to her left were two public defenders. Whenever the opportunity arose, Vitalia B.’s two defense attorneys were eager to emphasize that they alone would speak on behalf of the client. This caused a lot of confusion when it came to applications.

The members of Prince Reuss’ group are accused, among other things, of planning an armed coup with the aim of eliminating the basic democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany. They are all said to have been members of a terrorist organization. With the exception of Vitalia B. She is not on trial as a member, but as a supporter of the group. The native Russian is said to have provided her with contacts in Russia.

A team of reporters from stern and RTL have been conducting extensive research into the case since last fall. It viewed investigative documents, including intercepted phone calls, encrypted communications, surveillance logs, a total of more than 400,000 documents. (Note: You can find the texts, television reports, a TV documentary and much more bundled on this page from

Compared to the first day of the trial, the second day was much quieter. The day before, the 120 seats in the auditorium were so full that observers had to wait outside. This Thursday some places remained free. The hard core of the Reichsbürger group’s supporters seemed to have already acclimatised themselves to the temporary courthouse of the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court. Conversations and crude theories about alleged fascism against conspiracy believers were heard more clearly than before. 


As on the first day, some applications were read out by the defense lawyers. Most aimed to initially suspend or interrupt the trial to give the defense more time. 

At the end, a request from Prince Reuss’ lawyers was once again of a human nature: they asked the judge that their client be allowed to properly greet his partner in the courtroom. At first the judicial officers intervened. So today’s trial brought at least one thing clarity: Henry XIII. Prince Reuss and Vitalia B. are apparently still a couple despite being in custody. Ultimately, this is said to have not always been clear to the two lovers.