spend The money was the big issue in the case of Anne (ARD) in the TV: “billion against the crisis – is the money invested correctly?”

Many inner cities are open during the Corona-crisis* again. In the case of Anne (ARD)* Wants the big money to spend. A clear-cut conclusion on education falls.

The inner cities are apparently full again. Retailers offer discounts en masse, in an attempt to at least somewhat catch up from the losses of the past few weeks. But yet the citizens have not benefited from the blessings of the policy, coupons or premiums. The money the big issue was when Anne Will: “billion against the crisis – is the money invested correctly?” The man stood in the center of the answered the question with a “Yes”: Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz. He defended first of all, the 500-billion program of Merkel and Macron, and received little opposition in the question of whether the money should be awarded as a grant or loan.

Anne Will (ARD): grants to seep in “any channels”

Although Karsten Linnemann, the Federal Chairman of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union (WITH), Wants to get carried away with Anne bat, a page counter countries, the supposedly left the benefits in the “any channels” seep. But this point of view is reflected Monika Schnitzer, newly crowned “economy of language” from the Advisory Council on the assessment of the overall economic development. It was a false debate, to speak about net contributors and recipients.

Anne Will (ARD): “The EU, we are!”

The Plan was right, because the southern Europeans were forced to abandon their source of income is tourism. It was but now, “to think of a new Narrative”, with investment in the Green Deal, the digitization and health. Schnitzer found that the System of grants correctly, but it would need to be invested in the future. Anna Lena Baerbock, Co-leader of the Green party, agreed. It is going to help the European single market back on its feet, so as not to again, would have to be sold, such as in the case of the Greek crisis, ports to the Chinese.

one of the guests at Anne were Want it to need in the future, majority decisions in the EU. Schnitzer warned of the danger of disintegration; instead of a debate about who’s behaviour was wrong, should be started on joint projects in the area of digitisation and public health. Reiner wooden nail, President of the Federation of the taxpayers, and in the CDU, didn’t want to leave from distrust. The national States should help themselves, he urged. But Baerbock recalled in view of the discussion whether the EU member States should surrender sovereignty: “The EU, we are!”

Anne Will (ARD): “We are back in the old days!”

Then it went to distribute the Money in the country, after Bavaria’s country Manager Markus Söder had called for an upper limit. Scholz wanted to see “what to do” before you talk about sums of money. The Fallen wood nail did to him and demanded to speak about the Saving – for example, at the Bundestag, the cost of a billion a year.

Carver said in Anne Want , it is a matter of how much, but what the money will be spent. You criticized the apparently planned purchase of the premium for cars that had no investment in the future. You have to I need for this tax money keep: for fraudulent companies, which enjoyed, also, bonuses for managers and dividends for shareholders. Even Carsten Linnemann spoke out against a new “scrappage scheme”. “We are not back in the old days!” The need to support the company, such as liquidity.

talk show with Anne Will: The Land living by the “human capital”

Anna Lena Baerbock criticized that the criteria for the planned economic program were unclear. And the Minister of Finance did little to call and inform us. After all, he hinted that he had for his colleague Franziska Giffey required payment of 300 Euro per child – a bad joke, if the sum is also paid out for millionaire-Junior. Baerbock pointed out that it was not in need of high earners on the money, but instead a kita place need – like so many other parents. Carver supported the Green: investment in education should be a priority. Germany was far too little for education. In the country live by the “human capital”. A nice note to finish on, was a presenter Anne Will .

Anne Will, ARD, from Sunday, 24. May, 21.45 clock in the ARD-Mediathek.

Of Daland Segler

The Corona-protests also employ the guests at Anne Will (ARD). The present outdo each other in the “Non-Predicted”. The TV-criticism.