throughout my ministertid was the boy mutva who grows up in a ghetto area, a guide for me.
A guideline in the sense that he has been the inspiration for a large part of the requirements, we began to quiet, and the tightening-up of immigration policy, we conducted. For a boy who has grown up in the f.ex. Gellerupparken in Aarhus, simply do not have the same opportunities as a boy, growing up in Glyngøre, near my own childhood home, and we can not be aware of.
We may not be familiar to him, but we can obviously not be familiar to the Danish society. For when a boy like him comes to a bad start, so is the likelihood that he’s not going to contribute positively to the Danish society, too big. Poor integration and unemployment goes simply in the inheritance.
When a boy like him does not have the same opportunities as other children, so is it fundamental along with that we for generations have not managed and have not dared to make demands on refugees and immigrants, who have come to Denmark.
the High benefits, the lack of requirements and a peculiar fear of ‘stepping on toes’ by making a firm claim about f.ex. to work and to subordinate themselves. It has, overall, done that integration has been a failure, and this was the reason that the former civil government tightened them up.
The very symbol of the failed integration is ghetto areas. Parallel societies which are not Denmark. Holes in the map.
We conducted therefore a parallelsamfundsstrategi, that should clear up the problems. Beboersammensætningen in the areas to be changed, we should have crime down, we need more people in work, and children need to learn Danish. The short the ‘garden of Denmark under the skin’. Otherwise, the next generation just as poorly integrated, as the adult generation is today.
This is why we want to tear the buildings down.
It is therefore, we will force the children in day care centers. Well to brand in the institutions with a composition of children, where a maximum of 30 per cent. must have non-western background.
It is also why we introduced a double jeopardy for crimes committed in contrast to this, and we introduced an exclusion order, so that, for example, gang members can be sentenced to not being allowed to be in a particular ghettoområde.
All together to get fixed up on the failure of the approach and berøringsangsten. Now is the annual ghettoliste published. The list speaks its own clear language. We are far from there yet. Some will probably say that the measures taken by ghettopakken just need to be allowed to operate, yes.
But then, when the current government, unfortunately, has started to soften up, then it will oppose the plan that has been put in order to get a ghettofrit Denmark, as many of us want.
First, the government decided that you no longer need to call the ghettos of the ghettos, because you are afraid to stigmatize people. I must admit that I can’t point to many problems that have gone away by not talking about them, and therefore it is a clear mistake not to talk about the ghetto areas longer. You should call things for what they are: namely the ghettos.
The next place, you has released, on the requirement of the ceiling on the number of children with non-western background in the kindergartens. After the change of government, the requirement has become less stringent, so it means that more municipalities can wait five years to get the ceiling in kindergartens introduced. It is directly harmful, that the government has relaxed this requirement.
For it is logical that if there is only f.ex. five to ten percent of children with a Danish background in a daycare center, then fills the non-western culture simply too much – and in the Danish language for a bit.
Several municipalities are now asking also about the exposure of the demolitions of apartment buildings in the ghetto areas, and if it happens, then we come just to experience even a ghettoplan without effect.
It is absolutely essential that we stand firmly on that would have contrast to away, so that children in Denmark actually get equal opportunities. Also the boy from the ghetto.
Inger Støjberg
Has been a member of the Danish Parliament since 2001 for the party of the Left. From 2015 to 2019 was she the aliens and integration, in Lars Lokke Rasmussen’s minority government. Inger Støjberg is not afraid to express sharp opinions and has been both notorious and famous for providing cash requirements for immigrants and refugees.