That need to be tightened up, so that children and young people are not drinking themselves into a stupor, believes The Conservatives.

But it verges on hypocrisy when adults come in and say what young people can and cannot do, believe the party’s youth organisation ‘ashamed’ over moderpartiets proposal to raise the age limit for the purchase of strong alcohol.

‘Voksenafdelingen’ of the party proposes to raise the limit for the purchase of strong alcohol, so the 16-17-year-olds will now only be allowed to buy alcohol with a strength of not more than seven percent. Today is alkoholgrænsen by 16.5 percent.

“We will need to tighten up. Studies show that young people are drinking themselves into a stupor, and it is not justifiable. It has harmful effects when children of that age are highly intoxicated, so we would like to limit their access,” has sundhedsordfører Per Larsen said to B. T. about the proposal.

‘We feel ashamed’ sounds ungdomspartiets kampagnemodsvar.

“When I saw it, I had a feeling that the Per – despite good intentions – have forgotten the time when he himself was in high school,” explained Anders Storgaard, who is chairman of the Conservative Youth, in B. T. Live on Thursday.

There must be a place for young people to have fun, even though it is not always healthy, and The Conservative proposal is an expression of nypuritanisme, where everything that is not healthy, must be combated, he believes.

“Yes, it would be best if we all ate healthy and did not smoke and drank. But one should not forget about his own performances. Some of the gymnasiefester, where I drank with my companions, I would not be without. It was really fun.”

And the 25-year-old ungdomspolitiker, who today are studying political science, still need to unwind with alcohol, he explained.

“I Have had a long week and bony through and have been focusing on the academic and the policy, therefore I sometimes like to go out with my friend from the Radical Youth and my friends from the Danish Metal Youth and hammers some Arnbitter. So drink more than the Danish Health and medicines authority believes is healthy, but you know what, I think, we survive. There must be space for a from time to time in one’s life. I don’t want to take from the youth of the day.”

According to the Vidensråd for Prevention, Danish young people the highest alcohol consumption among young people in Europe, when it comes to so-called binge-drinking – drinking five or more objects by, for example, celebrations.

And although young people do not drink just as frequently as young people in other european countries, said 32 percent of 15-year olds in Ultrabet a study from the council in the summer that they had been drunk within the past 30 days, while it only applied to 13 percent of the other 15-year-old european young people.

Anders Storgaard told also about the first time he was full for a party.

“The first party where I really drank me stiff, was the UNIVERSITY’s christmas party, which was poured very very snaps at me. Eventually, I was retrieved by my mother.”

And in fact his parents said that they don’t care how full the Anders Storgaard and his friends, and that they always like to come and fetch them. However, they have given him a quite different admonition of the lord, as, Anders Storgaard believe, is far more important than a potential ban.

“They have said that it is important for them that we make sure to take care of each other. This is the most important one can teach his children. For when they become 18 years, they’re going to be out in the city, where it is crucial that you keep an eye on each other.”