In the 1960s and 1970s made the psychologist Walter Mischel is a famous experiment with marshmallows at Stanford University. The experiment was to offer children a marshmallow but at the same time, promise them an extra if they waited a quarter of an hour to eat the first.
40 years after the interviewed Mischel the now-adult subjects. It turned out that those who had been able to postpone the need to eat the marshmallow immediately, generally had fared better in life than those who had set the first to grips with the vuns.
One recalls the experiment, when you look to the government’s proposals for next year’s budget through.
the Danish economy is in top shape.
We are riding on a decade-long boom, and recently got the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen (S), the joyful surprise that the so-called ‘room for manoeuvre’ in the Danish household were raised from an already high level.
the Expectation of the state’s total profits in the period 2020 to 2025 is at about 29 billion dollars – five billion more than the Treasury had previously figured out.
Immediately, a great start for a new government, which repeatedly has announced a new ‘fair direction for Denmark, ‘the greenest budget ever’ and desire to ‘strengthen our well-being again’.
As the minister of finance presented the proposal for the national budget for 2020, it was also focusing on more money for welfare and climate.
the Government and støttepartierne will next year allocate 500 million. kr. for SFs baby – minimumsnormeringer in the country’s day-care centres. 600 million should be allocated in 2021 and 800 million dollars in 2022, and so on, increasing to 1.6 billion in 2025 and every year thereafter.
parents of young children that have put their tick by the choice out from the desire for a certain minimum number of adults per child in day-care institutions, may well probably true, that their current poder is over institutionsalderen, before the effect is turned fully through, but you can’t skose the government and its supporting parties not to go in the direction they had promised.
What, however, can be critical of, is the desire to charge even more money of the danes in order to fund the changes – instead of prioritising harder.
In a time of big profits and prosperity of the abilities of the government not to finance the consumption with the availability of the marshmallows. You fråder them all and ask even us to deliver even more in the form of a series of new taxes on, among other cigarettes, land registration and succession planning for family businesses.
the exchange Rate would be set against the ‘Luksusfælden’, if you had been a citizen who had to borrow, and not a state, there could just require up.
Jonas Kuld Rathje chief Editor
Editor-in-chief of B. T. Graduated from the Journalisthøjskolen in 2001 and the Master in Editorial Management from the UNIVERSITY of southern denmark in 2008. The father of the world’s most beautiful two boys.