Christmas eve is coming, and I am pleased to again experience the get, but magic hours, only passing on this particular evening. Here I mean not just the hours, where DøgnNetto is closed, and the buses are stopped, or the moment when the entire power grid just gives a jump, because all the teeth for their oven at the same time.

No, I think of the glorious moment where you step into a filled Danish church.

Chock-full. Close the doors-full. Asen and shoving-filled. As in genuine christian sentiment move-you-here-must-rest-of-my-hunchback-family-then-sit-swing-with-you-full.

just a few weeks ago it was no problem to find a space.

There has hardly been anything other than space, the times I have been to service outside of the holiday season. Here you have the typical ward only consisted of the ancient people, some individual surmulende teenagers – who are there only because. konfirmationsforberedelse – and the five-six kammermusikentusiaster from the local conservatory, making it out of a church choir.

The hands, there also emerges a few tourists up, if therefore the church is located in the city centre, or are designed by Jørn Utzon.

Børnegudstjenesterne can also draw more people to a once in a while. But it is rarely for more than 10-15 families extra with restless children, who can only sit still, because the priest has tricked her gf to play Jesus with a fake beard and a bed sheet over your shoulder.

A rare time, I also hipsterne show up lured by the jazztoner from a double bass and a promise of organic speltoblater for the sacrament.

One thing is certain: The Danish folkekirker is rarely more than half filled, unless there is a baptism, wedding or funeral.

But on christmas eve. Then garnish it up with spruce branches and candles, sing hymns, and people are standing up because there is no space for anything else. It is the Danish folk church’s Superbowl. For a short while – usually during the afternoon and aftengudstjenesten–, christianity is again the focal point of the Danish culture.

the Church confuses foreigners. I met once an egyptian christian, who had looked forward to moving here after to be grown up as a minority in a primarily muslim country. However, he was badly disappointed when he arrived and found out that no one was very religious.

There is a big cross in the Danish flag, but no one talks ever about the faith, or quotes the Bible to explain their actions.

at the same time have a certain fondness for the american gospelmusik. One should certainly not look long to find both the amateur and semiprofessional solo. In danes, it has to be carried away by the energy and joy in the gospeltraditionen and the community to sing together. I recommend actually often foreigners to seek out solo, because it is a good place to meet danes and make friendships.

in turn shakes the In also head at the americans ‘ other approaches to religion. And yes, I give you right that it sometimes is to laugh at. I shake also on the head, when a football star just needs to point up at the clouds after a touchdown – thanks for the help, God!

I think that God also shake their heads, when the various country and r’n’b stars in the diamond-studded glittertøj thank Him for a long and lucrative singing career.

But ‘bibelbæltet’ is not as biblically instituted, as it once was.

A steady flow of immigrants has brought a lot of different interpretations of christianity with themselves along with islam, hinduism and sikhism. Now one can even find churches that caters specifically to the LGBTQ+community, and megakirker, which brings together thousands of supporters at the big stadiums for rock concerts and laser light – crazy. Religion is still a big thing in the UNITED states.

Yes, in fact, throughout the world, from Africa to India to Latin america. At the point it is in fact Europe, which sticks out as the least religious continent.

And Denmark is often mentioned as one of the least religious countries in the entire world.

But love the traditions and family events, and it is, in fact, it julegudstjenesten go out on. Merry christmas!

Kay Xander Mellish

Kay Xander Mellish is a lecturer and has written several books, fol.a. ‘How to Live in Denmark’ and the ‘Top 35 Mistakes Danes Make in English’. She is born in the UNITED states and became a Danish citizen in 2017. Kay speaks English, but writes in English. Her post is translated by Emil Ørum-Engraff.