
Wada: Russia sanctions to hit EM

the game is played the european championship football in Russia next summer. Wednesday confirms The International anti-doping agency (Wada) against...

Wada: Sanctions against Russia does not affect the EM-hosting

Russia will not lose next year's EM-the hosting, if the Wadas proposed sanctions will be implemented. the game is played...

LIVE: Bernio Verhagen in court – charged with robbery of girl friend

The Dutch magp-play Bernio Verhagen in grundlovsforhør, and you can follow Betkanyon the LIVE blog here:

Study to identify LGBT-persons ‘ well-being in sport

Not all dare to talk openly about sexual orientation and gender identity in the idrætsmiljøet, says minister of culture. Wednesday...

TV 2 buy big football rights

TV 2 steps up significantly on the fodbolddækningen. For now facing Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and all the big stars...

Trump will signify Mexico’s drug cartels as terrorist groups

Earlier this month offered Trump to help Mexico with the war against narkokartellerne. Mexican drug cartels must be officially referred...

The first equal of the lastbilofre is arrived to Vietnam

the Families of the vietnamese who died in the truck, have had problems with the deceased's remains home. the 16...

Bangladesh condemning seven to death for killing 22 on the café

Doomed stormed in 2016, a popular coffee shop in Dhaka for foreigners. Among those killed were nine italians. A court...

Earthquakes close to the holiday island of Crete

on Wednesday morning, there has been an earthquake close to the popular resort island of Crete. the Earthquake was measured...

Solskjær removing the previous kræftramt defender for the EL match

Max Taylor, who have been treated for cancer, are for the first time selected to the United førsteholdstrup. a year...



Undecided Voters Question Pundits’ Debate Analysis – Harris Debate Review

**Undecided Voters Question Pundits' Debate Analysis - Harris Debate Review**Undecided voters across the nation tuned in to watch the highly anticipated debate between Vice...

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