This is a topic that is growing larger and larger in the Hexagon these days. Should we generalize the wearing of the mask in enclosed areas in order to combat the epidemic of coronavirus ? The Prime minister, Jean Castex said on Sunday that “the issue of developing the port of the mask is in the study”. Questioned by the press in Guyana, where he made an express visit, the head of the government stated that “the wearing of the mask is one of the ways to prevent the spread of the epidemic”. “The question of developing the use and the wearing of the mask is well to study, in particular, it especially concerns primarily all the places, what they are, closed”, he added. Because “the circulation of the virus is observed for all the more sites are closed”. “In the existing legislation, in a number of these closed places (like public transport, editor’s note), the port of the mask is mandatory,” stressed the Prime minister.

The government spokesman Gabriel Attal had ruled earlier that “the French are responsible, and when we give them recommendations, they respect them very heavily”. But the government “thinks all the time, and it constantly adapts itself to the situation”.

Read also the Second wave of the Covid-19 : the real numbers

Release in the metropolis

In the metropolis, a certain laxity in the observance of the gestures barriers has been observed. Including a concert in Nice was held Saturday night without distancing. The mayor LR of the city Christian Estrosi, has announced that it will now issue the mask for the big events that the municipality organizes, and directs the State to do the same. “Feel free to wear a mask in any situation, especially if you are not sure of being able to keep 1 meter distance with those around you”, tweeted Sunday afternoon the minister of Health Olivier Véran, while many physicians signed an article calling for the “mask-wearing compulsory in all enclosed public places”.

Called #MasquésMaisEnLiberté, the tribune, published in The new yorker, warns against “a possible restart massif des transmissions”. It is signed by the Pr Antoine Pelissolo and Dr. Jimmy Mohamed, and co-signed by several infectious disease physicians.

Consult our folder : Coronavirus : the world stop

writing will advise you

Emmanuel Macron, and the power of the “nudge” to refrain from handshakes, kisses and hugs, what a good idea ! “For the moment, I only know that the eyes and eyebrows of my colleagues,” Covid-19 : “The parents have been the source of the infection to their children in many cases” Should we worry about a second wave of Covid-19 in Mayenne ? The nature takes its revenge ?