“That’s a relief !” says Christine Portevin, professor of CM1 in a primary school of the Hautes-Alpes. Like its peers, the teacher was informed on Friday morning of the last framing health adopted by the ministry of Education for the new school year in September. And – provided that the situation of the epidemic evolves, it should be placed under the sign of relief.

“We’ll finally be able to work calmly,” enthused the teacher. And for good reason, recent guidelines abolished purely and simply the distancing physics and the limitation of the mixing between the classes – in effect during the reopening of schools in may. A key parameter, since it determines the capacity of the institution. All students will therefore be able to go back to school in September.

To deprive of group work and manipulation, is deleterious to learning.

“The children are still children and these conditions were very difficult to keep, remembers Christine Portevin, we can’t go to the park like animals,” said the professor. And if distance education has been a challenge for many teachers and their students, make a class in this context and strict aseptic has hardly been simpler.

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The department knows this and will allow new students to share materials (pencils, books…). A detail ? “To be deprived of group work and manipulation, is deleterious to learning, provides teaching, we will be able to re-diversify” if enthusiasm does it.

“return to a semblance of normality”

“I am delighted, not at all worried about !” also expresses Nathalie, professor of CM2 in an establishment of La Rochelle, which ” especially hopes to have finished with the distanciel “. And if the last frame of the Rue de Grenelle mentions the obligation of wearing a mask from the age of 11, the teacher who was found in may of the students that it is “particularly confused” welcomes ” regain a sense of normalcy “.

But “they only want to learn, to make up for lost time ?” asks Patricia Papillaud, a teacher in an elementary school in the Pas-de-Calais, concerned about ” the provisions in which it is going to find [his] students “, some of whom have not set foot in a classroom for five months. As is to be expected : there will be work to fill gaps and ensure that all have built-in pre-requisites.

This choice can be frightening.

as far as we can be assured that all parents play the game. “It is actually my only concern,” says Nathalie : the anguish of the parents and the decision that it can lead to take. “” The revival [of the epidemic] in the past that one goes through can make things more difficult “, also knows Christine Portevin.

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“This choice can be frightening,” admits, for her part, Marie-Astrid, a professor of history and geography in a college in the Val-de-Marne. Arguing that ” the studies on the infectiousness of children continue to contradict each other “, the teacher considers herself the latter framing as ” rushed “. And asks : “What will happen to professors who are vulnerable or living with a spouse who is ? “Precision among other things, that the ministry, dependent as each of the evolution of the health situation, disclose that on the 26th of August.