Vocational schools had a sparekniv for the throat, when a reform would be implemented according to the lederformand.

A reform of the vocational schools of 2014 have failed. It concludes the president of the leaders at the Danish Vocational schools and Colleges, Ole Heinager, after that recorded in the vocational schools since the reform has fallen.

An almost united Parliament made in the 2014 reform of the vocational schools. It should increase recorded particularly by getting more directly from the ninth and tenth class.

But since the reform came into force, they are marginal improvements on that front have been eaten by an even larger decrease in the recorded of the students who can not come directly from the ninth and tenth class.

– It is evident that the reform has not achieved its desired objectives, concludes Ole Heinager.

– the Aim was to encourage more people to seek a vocational training directly after the ninth or tenth class. And we are basically on the level from before the reform.

part of the reason is according to Ole Heinager, that the politicians are not solely set up to improve the shot.

– from the Sahabet very beginning, there was beyond good intentions, an exercise in cutting expenditures in the reform, he says.

– You chose to save skolelængden for young adults over 18 years of age. This is the group we see in the figures, there is gone back. Within some industries, we have lost up to 30 percent of the pupils.

– It hangs a bit together with that, with the reform came a admission of 02 in Danish and maths.

According to Ole Heinager, who is also director at Next Education in Copenhagen, has karakterkravet particularly affected the group, who has taken a work after primary school and only a few years later and again had the appetite to school.

He believes that the current government reiterates its predecessors mistakes.

Although the government has removed otherwise the planned savings in the education sector, to the vocational schools to help fund a new study preparatory education, FGU, from its current budgets.

– Then there’s not much context with skåltalerne and the words that we need more vocational education, says Ole Heinager.
