Danish Nature agency is now looking at an adjustment of the vildsvinehegnet, which decreases the risk that the animals get the legs in the clamp.

the Danish Nature agency will adjust the parts of the 70-kilometer-long vildsvinehegn along the Danish-German border, after a deer the other day was found dead in the fence.

– It seems we, who have the responsibility, nor is it particularly fun, and we can see that it generates strong reactions.

– Therefore, we are committed to try to do something to avoid this kind of situations, says forester and project director Bent Rasmussen, the Danish Nature agency Vadehavet.

Pictures of krondyret, who allegedly led a slow and painful death after getting a hoof caught in the fence, the last few days, flourished on social media.

Earlier in the autumn was a deer stuck in the fence and had to be killed by a farmer.

– We know of two animals that concrete has been fixed, a red deer and a roe deer.

– So, we know that there is found a small number of cervids in the vicinity of the fence, which hurt. Maybe because they have been stuck. But there may also be other reasons, says Bent Rasmussen.

the Danish Nature agency has been in contact with selected site owners and jægerrepræsentanter to find a solution to the problem.

– We are trying to find a technical solution, so that the leg and the hoof can not enter in the mesh and get stuck.

– It can be anything to do with the upper 60 centimeters of the fence more dense in certain areas, but it can also be a different technical solution, he says.

after the rangers opinion, not be a need to adjust the fence on the entire stretch.

It will only be necessary the places where the raw and red deer like to jump over.

– We have from the beginning known, to one degree or another will be animals coming to harm in the fence. How is it, regardless of where you put the fence up.

– So it is all about minimizing the risk of damage occurs, the most possible, says skovrideren.

He expects a solution to the problem can be ready in the beginning of the new year.

There is, according to the skovrideren air in the budget for the adjustment of the fence.

Originally, it was allocated 80 million dollars to the fence, but so far it sounds bill of about 45 million dollars.

At WWF Denmark is seniorbiolog Thor Hjarsen skeptical in relation to the message from the Danish Nature agency.

– Now we know not, what adjustments of the fence that comes. But hegnets basic construction is problematic. It is a hard stadionhegn, which is designed in a way that does not give animals many chances, he says.

the Organization has complained to the Berne convention over the fence, as for the WWF Denmark’s view, prevent a wild animal the opportunity to spread.

the Bern convention about the protection of Europe’s wild animals and plants and natural habitats.
