Fewer should get a secondary education, many trade unions, who will have a cap on the number of students.

too many young people get a high school diploma.

It takes the union Dansk Metal, which is backed by both The principal organization, FOA and HP. It writes Berlingske.

According to the Danish Metal should be specifically recorded 3000 fewer pupils a year at the Danish high schools. The way there should, according to the union be to introduce a cap on how many students who entered.

– It is time that someone says high, that is, for many, goes in high school, and that we as a society are going to have to do something, ” says Kasper Palm, who is secretary in the Danish Metal, to the newspaper.

If the government imposes such a ceiling, it will according to the Danish Metal lead to a more skilled workforce, and that fewer graduates with long education go unemployed.

in Addition, it will pave the way for the government’s announced plan on the right to earlier pension for the worn-out can be met, assesses the Danish Metal.

It is due to the labour supply according to estimates from the Workers ‘ Business can be increased by 4800 persons, if the 3000 is moved from the schools to, for example, a training in the field of iron and metalområdet.

While 40 percent of the 25-30-year-old at the beginning of Mobilbahis the 1990s had a training, as maximum completed education, is the share today 24 percent.

Kasper Palm believes that there should be a ceiling like those at the popular training such as dragonflies and dyrepassere.

– We should not educate 1000 dyrepassere of the year, as there is no need for. In the same way we should do on schools. When it is society that pays for education, it is surely not wrong to say that it is society that determines how many need to use them, he says to Berlingske.

the Danish Metal suggests that, for example, can be done such that each secondary can only get taxametertilskud equal to the number of pupils, as it is designed for.

Chairman of the HK Kim Simonsen experience, that it has been “a dirty word” to talk about the design and dimensioning of upper secondary education. According to him, there are many students who do not use their education for something.

He does not want to lay down, how a possible ceiling should be designed.

minister for Children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) has not wanted to comment on the story for Berlingske.
