The video surfaced in recent days on social networks. These images from China, filmed using a drone, would provide ” hundreds of members of the uyghur community sitting in rows, hands tied and blindfolded “, as described in the british daily the Times, which information had been relayed by the Courrier international. The sequence appears to date to August 2019, and would have been authenticated by western intelligence services.

The video showing a possible deportation of the Uighurs has been put in front of the eyes of the Chinese ambassador to the Uk, during a television interview on the british channel BBC. Liu Xiaomin immediately appears taken aback. The diplomat prefers first to boast the beauty of the scenery of the Xinjiang region, in north-west China. The ambassador says it could be a simple ” transfer of prisoners, as there are in any country “, before questioning the veracity of the video.

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“The population doubled”

According to the chinese ambassador, the population would also “doubled” in Xinjiang in the last forty years. “The number of Uighurs has increased from 5 million to 11 million,” clamp-t-it. The BBC journalist retorted while, ” according to the official figures chinese “, ” the uygur people has declined by 84 % between 2015 and 2018 “. For Liu Xiaomin, this ethnic group lives ” in harmony with the other peoples of the region “.

also Read Phoebe – Without democracy, China will never be a hegemonic

Sunday 19 July, the head of british diplomacy, Dominic Raab, had accused China of committing “serious violations, offensive to the rights of Man” against the minority uighur in Xinjiang. Remarks denounced the next day by Beijing, which has accused the diplomat of spreading ” slander “.

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