” An Eid is not like the others “, ran a headline in La Presse of Tunisia. The daily printed it in black and white a reality that is shared by many Tunisians. The month of ramadan has ended as it began : behind closed doors. Of course, the ” déconfinement targeted “, according to the terminology of the authorities, has changed the appearance of the streets and alleys. Life has taken over a part of its ordinary course between single-session for the employees of the public service, the reopening of many shops, rush to the Transtu, the transport in the capital. We were thus able to satisfy the ritual that accompanies the Eid-ul-fitr by making the full of clothes for the children. For the spiritual, the ritual has not taken place, the mosques remain closed doors.

Read also Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,… : “No mosques for ramadan”

No of Celtia in Sidi Dhrif

each Eid al-Fitr, signifying the end of fasting journaled, the bar of the hotel Sidi Dhrif was stormed. The large car park was full. We came there to enjoy its first Celtia, the national beer, after a month of abstinence. This year, no hops in public. Hotels, restaurants and cafes have not opened again, except to accommodate those who were put in quatorzaine. More than 15,000 room nights have been devoted to this sas health. It will be necessary to wait until the 4 of June, the beginning of phase 3 of the déconfinement, for sitting around a table, sipping a capuchin, to dine elsewhere than at home. This is the date set for their activities to resume. From the may 26, restaurateurs and café owners will be able to practice the takeaway. If the week has been almost normal, it was completed by three public holidays decreed by the government for more than 800 000 employees of the public service. From Saturday to Monday, it was a holiday in the administrations. What to do jump some business leaders who do not count the hours to try to save two months of near-inactivity. Some members of the government have multiplied the exits this weekend. Objectives : to reassure, to call for vigilance.

Read also Covid-19 : Tunisia between anxiety and health economic turmoil

policy Actions and institutional

Saturday, the minister of the Interior, Hichem Mechichi, who was inspecting, sometimes hidden, sometimes not, different units of the body safe. He wandered up and down the avenue Habib-Bourguiba, in the heart of Tunis, avenue where to the number 7 seat in his ministry. Message : vigilance must be redoubled. The president of the government, Elyes Fakhfakh, went to Sousse to exchange greetings with the elderly residing in a reception centre. A gesture towards the population most vulnerable to the sars coronavirus. The country will have known that 1 051 cases in two months and some, lamenting 47 deaths. The situation seems to be totally mastered. Fifteen days after the beginning of the déconfinement, no increase was observed.

also Read Tunisia : “The worst recession since independence”

The prayer at home

The mosque of Carthage, where each year the three presidents of the Republic, government, national Assembly) to celebrate together the Eid-ul-fitr, remained closed. The national chain public, the Wataniya, broadcast as early as 7: 30 a.m. the prayer. The mufti of the Republic and the minister of religious Affairs, have multiplied the statements indicating that the prayer at home was ” indicated “. This family celebration, where we gather to celebrate the end of the holy month, has been changed. The families have not been able to come together, as they do each year, to move from one governorate to the other, being forbidden by the authorities. This has not prevented some to cross the Rubicon. Aïd el-Kebir, the feast of sacrifice, on the 1st of August. It should, subject to the non-occurrence of a second wave of the sars coronavirus, standing in the usual terms. Freely, but with gestures, barriers, and masks.

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Tunisia : “The worst recession since independence” Covid-19 : Tunisia between anxiety and health economic turmoil Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,… : “No mosques for ramadan “