For many pupils, students, trainees and seniors, the planned Germany ticket will cost less than 49 euros – but only if they live in certain federal states. Because some, but not all countries are planning to offer the ticket for certain groups of people at a lower price and to finance the difference from their own funds. This is the result of a survey by the German Press Agency among the state transport ministries and some transport associations.

A patchwork quilt threatens, especially in the case of take-away regulations. Actually, the Deutschlandticket does not provide for taking other people, animals or bicycles with you – in some regions, however, the transport associations will allow this or offer special additional tickets that are then only valid there. In Germany there are many more transport associations than federal states – so different rules could apply every few kilometers. Even the binding of the ticket to one person at a time could be canceled regionally.

Key data of the Deutschlandticket

According to an agreement between the federal and state governments, the Germany ticket, which is valid nationwide, is to start on May 1st. The ticket is only issued digitally as a mobile phone ticket or as a chip card. In its original form, the ticket is non-transferable, does not allow you to take other people, bicycles or animals with you and initially costs 49 euros per month.

Rabtte planned in Bavaria, Lower Saxony and Saarland

According to the Ministry of Transport, Bavaria will offer a discounted version of the Germany ticket for students and trainees in the state for 29 euros. Lower Saxony is taking a similar approach: The state government there is considering introducing a planned state-wide 29-euro ticket for schoolchildren, trainees and volunteers as a discounted Germany ticket, i.e. with nationwide validity. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, too, the state government is considering a reduced price for trainees and senior citizens.

As early as January, Saarland announced a young people ticket for schoolchildren, trainees and volunteers residing in Saarland, which should cost 30.40 euros. The country wants to take over the difference of 18.60 euros. In Baden-Württemberg there has been a youth ticket for 365 euros per year since March 1st. A coupling with the Germany ticket is conceivable, but there are currently too many unresolved factors, according to the Ministry of Transport in Stuttgart.

Some nationwide tickets will be cheaper

Other state governments are considering developing cheaper offers in response to the Deutschlandticket, which are then only valid nationwide. It was recently indicated in Berlin that the 29-euro ticket for the inner city area would also remain in effect beyond the previous end date of April 30th. In the capital, the CDU and SPD are currently negotiating a new alliance.

Hesse is planning a discounted, state-wide local transport ticket for low-income earners. The “Hessenpass Mobil” for 31 euros a month should apply to all people who are entitled to citizenship benefit, housing benefit plus or social assistance. Talks are currently underway with the transport associations and municipalities, as a spokesman for the Ministry of Transport in Wiesbaden announced.

The Deutschlandticket as a job ticket was jointly agreed between the federal government and all states: If employers grant their employees a subsidy of at least 25 percent on the 49-euro ticket, an additional five percent transitional discount can be granted until December 31, 2024. The ticket then only costs 34.30 euros.

Plenty of ideas for takeaways and regional upgrades

The situation with the take-away regulations becomes confusing. It is already foreseeable that a very colorful mix of rules will develop here. In some countries, for example, it will be possible to take dogs with you with the Deutschlandticket without any problems (North Rhine-Westphalia, Berlin, Brandenburg), in other places decisions are currently being made about suitable additional tickets for the Deutschlandticket.

The transport association Oberelbe (Saxony), for example, is planning an additional ticket for taking a bicycle or dog and people with you for 10 euros per month – but then only valid in this region. In addition, an additional ticket for long-distance traffic between Dresden and Riesa is promised in the VVO.

A spokesman for Großraum-Verkehr Hannover (GVH) announced that there should be an additional offer for 4.90 euros per month. This should allow holders who switch from a previous monthly ticket to the Deutschlandticket to continue to be able to take the option with them. On weekends and in the evenings after 7 p.m., a customer with a monthly pass can take one adult and up to three children with them in the GVH.

In its original idea, the Deutschlandticket, which is scheduled to start on May 1st, is tied to one person and is non-transferrable – but even this rule could be relaxed regionally. The Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (VVS) wants to sell a so-called TicketPlus that, in addition to carriage regulations, also enables transferability – at least in the VVS area.