Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) is critical of the Berlin 29-euro ticket announced for July. “There seems to be enough money in the till,” he told RTL/ntv.

From his point of view, there is a “credibility problem” if the Senate – Berlin’s state government – on the one hand demands more money from the federal government for the 49-euro ticket and on the other hand introduces an even cheaper regional ticket. You have to ask yourself whether it wouldn’t be better if the states used this money to keep ticket prices at 49 euros and at the same time make the offer more attractive, said Wissing.

Wissing: Reforms and leaner structures necessary

Reforms and leaner structures are necessary to ensure stable prices for local public transport. “I don’t think it’s a good thing to keep adjusting ticket prices downwards and then thinning out the offering,” said Wissing. “We need both. We need an attractive ticket and we need an attractive offer.”

In order to keep the price stable, reforms are also necessary: ​​”We have digitalization today, so many things are cheaper and easier, and that also helps to keep the ticket price low,” said the FDP politician. The over 60 transport associations would have to be streamlined and sales structures modernized.

Berlin’s Transport Senator Manja Schreiner (CDU) and Economics Senator Franziska Giffey (SPD) announced on Tuesday that the discounted ticket would be valid from July 1st. Unlike the Deutschlandticket, which costs 49 euros per month, it is only valid in the Berlin city area (tariff zone AB). It is only available as part of an annual subscription. Advance sales start on Tuesday (April 23rd).