the health crisis, a few faces have emerged : Jerome Solomon, who égrenait the dead, Didier Raoult, who chahutait the authorities, Jean-François Delfraissy, who advised the former president, Olivier Véran, who took over from Agnès Buzyn up. And Europe ? She had no face, but in Brussels, very early and without great means, Stella Kyriakides, the commissioner for Health, has attempted to coordinate efforts wherever possible health and each other. Health is not a strong competence of the EU. Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel plead for a ” Europe of the s…

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Scandal of the “Lancet” said : “Each year, 1 500 studies are retracted” Since Sars, we would have had to have medication ready on the shelves ” Covid-19 : Brussels accuses Trump, the Russia and the China of misinformation