mep european LR François-Xavier Bellamy shows his disagreement with the stimulus package, which was negotiated and adopted Tuesday, July 21, for the 27 countries of the european Union. In a column published in The Sunday Newspaper of 26 July, he denounces a ” compromise aberrant “. “At the end of a long negotiation on the european economic recovery plan, the Twenty-Seven have agreed to create the first loan common response to the crisis. A problem, a debt : France will therefore be able to export to Brussels its worst reflexes ; and Europe is now probably the only place where it is considered as a political victory the fact cluttering up the future of an additional loan “, he laments.

According to him, ” this new budget solidarity marks the return to the old illusion of a Europe that is ever more integrated. It offers a resurrection unexpected that the proponents of european federalism, to which the citizens have said no for a long time. “”The return to the actual will be tough,” warns the congressman. “The apparent success that represents this agreement is based on a sum of misunderstandings, and it is particularly irresponsible to allow the slate to the future generation in whose name this bond is, however, ironically contracted. “

Read also recovery Plan : an air-nationalisation of european policies

A guardianship budget strengthened ?

” Why haven’t we been told nothing of the counterparties in terms of the reforms imposed by Brussels to the Member beneficiaries of the fund, budgetary control strengthened, which is to be attached to this financial solidarity ? “”How was it able to validate this debt without arbitrate on the terms of its repayment, based simply on the hypothetical creation of own resources – subject that everyone knows so controversial that the Council is well-kept discuss ?” you ask yourself it also.

With this agreement, ” France will, therefore, have accepted a tutorship fiscal strengthening, and financial commitments disproportionate to the future, the risk of worsen irreversibly to the discomfort of the democratic deep, which is already affecting the european Union “, he complained also. The leaders of the 27 concluded on Tuesday at the end of a summit marathon a historic agreement of a 750 billion euro on a recovery plan post-coronavirus, based for the first time on a joint debt, and qualified by Emmanuel Macron’s ” most important moment since the creation of the euro “.

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