The Post generated in 2019, a net profit of 255 million Swiss francs. The are 149 million Swiss francs less than 2018. The operating result (Ebit) of CHF 450 million to 55 million Swiss francs and 11 percent lower than in the previous year.

These results are not surprising, said on Thursday at the annual media conference of the Post in Bern. Because the framework designed for the Post continues to be difficult. Thanks to successful market processing and efficiency measures of the individual business areas is declining, the result of the Post is less strong, as their conditions deteriorate. The decrease in operating profit of 11 per cent, reflecting the major challenges of the Post. It falls compared to the previous year, of 505 million Swiss francs to 450 million Swiss francs.

It was due to the tireless commitment of around 56’000 employees, that, in many areas the Post office will deliver despite the difficult conditions, positive results. They would also have kept the delivery of services at a very high level, and the Post 2019 have exceeded the requirements of the Federal government again.

The low interest rate situation, the letter decline in volume and a strong volume growth in the packages were the key challenges in the core markets. As a result of the continued resulting the end result of decline in recent years.

post office chief: “the Trend to reverse want”

“This Trend we must reverse,” said post office chief Roberto Cirillo in front of the media. “The Post needs to remain a healthy company, without subsidies, the basic supply.” For this you need freedom to conduct a business. “The groundwork must be laid now.”

In the last ten years, have paid the Post office around 2 billion Swiss francs in dividends to the Federal government. Would add for the year 2019 taxes and fees in the amount of 240 million Swiss francs. The objective is to Finance the basic service from its own resources.”We also want to continue to provide a valuable public Service and we are proud that we are funding it yourself,” said the CEO.

“The Postal service is reliable and efficient, there is no reason to invent the Post,” said Board President Urs Schwaller of the balance sheet media conference. “To do but still have a basic supply of high quality and to develop ourselves further, we need a certain degree of entrepreneurial freedom.”

Less letters and more packages

post mail reached in 2019, with operating profit of 370 million francs, up by 18 million Swiss francs less than in the previous year. Operating income dropped to 106 million Swiss francs, wherein the amount of letters was again by 4.8 percent smaller.

The growing package volume ( 7.3 percent) makes investments in the three-digit million amount for new parcel centres is necessary. Here is the sale of a group of subsidiaries, and provisions and consequential costs because of a robbery on a money transport negative impact on the result of the postal logistics. Operating income increased, however, to 44 million on 1708 million Swiss francs.

Within the last year, the Post increased the customer access points to around 450 on the 4753. In the case of the postal network, the chronic deficit could be reduced gradually. In the year 2019, the deficit increased to 38 million francs, the operating result amounted to minus CHF 132 million. The decline was due to comprehensive provisions for early retirement for employees who were in connection with ongoing organizational development, it was called for this purpose.

post office car with more mileage

Postbus 2019, the Year, mileage, thanks to a further expansion in services by 3.3 percent, reaching 127.4 million kilometers. This contributed to an increased operating income of 2 percent. The operating result amounted to minus million Swiss francs. In this Minus in front of all impairment losses are reflected on the assets, how the company holds. (sda/red)

Created: 12.03.2020, 10:15 a.m.