Since Monday morning, the Police are massively present at a construction site on the Lundtoftegade in Nørrebro, where, according to the police have been ‘violent collision, extensive vandalism, and violence’.

“It is a labour dispute that has developed. The atmosphere is heated,” says vagtchef Kristian Rohdin.

the Police showed up, because a large group stilladsarbejdere gathered to express their dissatisfaction with the conditions at the construction site. And it went wild for him.

The anger stilladsarbejdere toppled a scaffolding in protest.

According to TV 2 have some of the demonstrators also smashed a Porsche with a baseball-like objects, and turned it upside down.

There is also a popping firecracker.

It happens, after the last few days have been more riots by stilladsarbejdet in Lundtoftegade.

According to the media A4NU due to the conflict, to the scaffold on the construction site after many stilladsarbejderes view is illegally configured.

last Friday was the big scaffold overturned, and that same evening drew police sticks against a number of demonstrators stilladsarbejdere, writes Berlingske.

Sunday brought the unrest to a violent assault.

Here, a group of men entering on the construction site and attacked another group.

A professional secretary from the Dansk El-Forbund and a stilladsarbejder should Sunday have been turned down, while trying to document the illegal work on the construction site.

Police met strong in numbers up to Monday’s demonstration of fear of a further escalation of the conflict. And the officers are wearing riot gear.

“There has been testing on its own, Safirbet so we are there to limit the damage and contain the riots,” says Kristian Rohdin.

It is several hours ago, stilladsarbejdernes protest started, but the police are still present at the construction site on the Lundtoftegade by 13-time.

“We have not arrested anyone, but the investigator wide and expect that it will lead to charges,” says the Copenhagen Police to the B. T.

According to the president of Stilladsarbejdernes Landsklub, Thomas Strømholt, it was now toppled scaffolding, which is the conflict’s focal point, downright dangerous.

“There is little evidence to suggest that those who have put the scaffolding up, not at all trained for it. It is fatal to work on the scaffolding. People are angry, even if it is declared, nothing happens,” says Thomas Strømholt to A4 Now and stresses that he is not speaking on behalf of the protesters stilladsarbejdere.

the Site has been notified to the Danish working environment authority, but supervision found after an inspection does not rise to the that the work would be stopped.

Fagforbundet 3F informs in a press release, that has been running a case against the employer for underpayment of wages.

3F takes sharp distance from the tumultuous scenes on Monday morning occurred at the construction site, and stresses that all use of violence and illegal activities are totally unacceptable.

“If there is talk about the wildcat stoppage, then we take a sharp distance from this, and calls on the people to immediately return to their work. We have also done our departments aware of this,” says Claus von Elling, who is the chairman of 3F’s Byggegruppen.

He does not know whether it was their members of the 3F, which was the scaffold.