
In Kafka’s book, it hits the Bank employee Josef K., the device in the wheels of justice, without understanding how it happens. Not even charged, he experiences up to his execution. In the financial sector, it runs just similar, here it is the Central Bank employees Jerome P., mired deeper and deeper in the monetary policy process, the impending execution of the US economy to counter. A process can, however, also “a process that extends over a certain period of time in which something occurs or expires”. And that is what is happening in the developed economies of the Western world economies. The now massively initiated the process of “expansion of the Money supply is irreversible.

What’s going on now, is reduce to long term, property values, solid push, and monetary values. Interest rates are dead, the equity investment before the Boom of the decade. A first taste of what they could experience already. The process will continue, precisely because most investors allocate currently far too little equity in their investments. The Figures of the real economy (mass unemployment, bankruptcies, commercial disputes, nationalism) will only be short shocks on the stock markets, as this week. For me it’s very clear availability of opportunities, because the big money is yet to come: A process with an open outcome, but rising rates.


In contrast to the process of the procedure is more a description of the applied procedure, a process or simply just the procedure. Interestingly, the procedure also has a negative connotation for many From the Latin “procedere” (“go forward” or “progress”) has it in the truest sense of the word, something “Advanced”. And it is precisely because the core of progress will take place more particularly at turning points, so very often in crises.

Why? Who should change something, if all goes well? Yes, it changes from the outside takes, the changes in the Internal push. The Corona-crisis such a turning point. But it is also the maximum threat for the body and income. Therefore, the prophets of doom, doomsayers, and conspiracy theorists have it much easier than the realists, the innovators or do-gooder. If the history of mankind has shown, then, that a crisis coming were often the birth hour of prosperity.

I wrote it already a couple of issues ago, but because it is so important, here: a Lot of companies be strengthened in this economy to leave crisis, to gain market share and new record revenue. As a shareholder, these profits belong to you. Forget rate fluctuations, set on the profits. A clever procedure, I think.

the procession

corpus Christi processions were on this holiday due to Corona frequently. However, some are likely to be in humility and Asked to expire, as you have looked after the holiday on your account statement. The stock markets were not free and made fresh, to produce pious, cheerful in mind, a whopping price declines. The fourth worst day in this year. Previously, the US technology exchange, the Nasdaq 100 had cracked, but for the first time in the history of the 10,000 points mark. Since some of the have been amazed and not annoyed that you were in this procession. But after the price fall this week, you will have again the opportunity. The word procession comes striding from the same Latin word root as procedure: “forward”. Now it is up to you.

This article was written by Volker Schilling

*The post “The only way out leads through the crisis,” is published by LOOT. Contact with the executives here.