Researchers must now examine, where harmful mikroplast is for the north atlantic sea creatures and the environment in the new project.

at Least 1,71 million tons of plastic once every year in addition to the big strømhvirvler in the world’s oceans.

However, it is unknown how mikroplastikken concrete will be of the.

the european project “Hotmic” now examine.

It is mikroplast in the north Atlantic, there to be examined, tells Jamileh Javidpour, there is marinøkolog at the University of Southern denmark and participating in the project.

– you Might be mikroplastik-the particles are transported around in the sea of micro-organisms or marine life. A small animal could ingest the particles and then discard them as stools that sink down in deeper water.

Or maybe, there is a growing micro-organisms on the surface of the mikroplast-particles, so they become heavier and lose buoyancy, she says in a press release.

Since 1950, the world has produced 8300 million tons of plastic. 4900 million tons have been thrown out as waste. It is unknown how much that ends up in the environment.

the north Atlantic ocean contains an estimated 20 percent of all the plastic that floats around in the oceans of the world. It is mostly located between the Azores and Bermuda.

It is especially items such as bags, bottles and fishing nets floating around in the oceans of the world.

But there are also invisible, microscopic plastikfragmenter, that may pose a threat to marine animals, and the environment.

– When mikroplast absorbed by and accumulated in the smaller sea creatures, it can pose a threat to the entire marine ecosystem, ” says Jamileh Javidpour.

Jamileh Javidpour has previously conducted research into how certain types of zooplankton, and jellyfish are able to help collect mikroplastpartikler in the oceans.

– The slim, as for example the jellyfish releases during reproduction, defence or stress response, is highly effective to capture particles in the micro – and nano-size, she says.
