Tuesday, Heartland published a total of 11 names, playing at the carl nielsen festival at the end of may.

the indie rock band The National, the Swedish pop group The Cardigans and the Danish duo Phlake is among the first names on the poster for the festival’s Heartland in the year 2020.

Tuesday, Heartland published a total of 11 music acts, playing at the carl nielsen festival in may. It takes place in the castle Park around Egeskov Castle on Midtfyn.

– We are incredibly proud to present the first 11 music acts for next year’s Heartland, says Ulrik Ørum-Petersen, director and music director for the Heartland, in a press release and continues:

– With popular names like The National, Rufus Wainwright and The Cardigans in the interaction with younger artists such as, among other things Jehnny Beth and Caroline Polachek, acting in their own names for the first time in Denmark, we are well on the way to be able to present our to date, the strongest music program.

The National gave a concert on Saturday in the Royal Arena with hits like “I Need My Girl”, “Afraid of Everyone” and “Fake Empire” and so just do art after the summer.

The Swedish popikoner The Cardigans broke through in the mid-1990s, with their biggest hit “Lovefool”, which was on the soundtrack for the filmklassikeren “Romeo + Juliet”.

Recently, The Cardigans played at a Danish festival, was at the Tinderbox in 2015, and now Danish festival guests once again experience the popgruppen.

There are also Danish names such as Reverberation and Phlake with. The latter broke through in 2016 and is behind hits such as “Pregnant” and “Angel Zoo”.

Furthermore, indierockens star Kurt Vile, the alternative rock band The Jesus and Mary Chain, musician Seasick Steve and the rock band Psyched Up Janis.

The coming weeks and months there will regularly be published several names in both the music, art, lectures and food.

the Heartland will take place 29.-31. may. Tickets cost 1950 dollars plus a fee.
