Tyler Vilus avoids the perpetuity. The jihadist French was sentenced Friday to 30 years imprisonment emir of the group islamic State, for crimes committed in Syria from 2013 to 2015. This sentence is accompanied by a safety period of up to two thirds. The prosecution was required Friday to life imprisonment. The advocate-general Guillaume Michelin had requested the assize court of Paris to impose this penalty from the period of maximum safety, ” which is only 22 years old, alas “, in the face of a dangerous man who ” has not changed one iota “.

also Read Jihadism : the older sister of the brothers Clain again in front of the justice

The president explained to Tyler Vilus that the court had ” decided not to pronounce a sentence of up to life imprisonment, that it was possible to do “, the justice having found guilty of all the offences, including the execution of two prisoners, but she had wanted him to “leave a glimmer of hope” for it to ” evolve “.