The Ministry of Agriculture, the autonomous communities, agricultural organizations, agri-cooperatives and the organizations of the environmentalists were completed last week the analysis and discussions on the situation of the agricultural sector in the face preparation of the plan required by Brussels for the next reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In January we will begin to discuss the criteria for the distribution of resources in the plan which will be presented to the community authorities in 2021. In game there are 5,700 million euros.

the work developed in the last year, and have enlarged the differences between the regions on the current criteria for the distribution of CAP support. Most of the autonomous communities agreed on the need for a new redistribution of those funds, on the basis of some more objective criteria and eliminating payments for rights in historical and individual. With Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha or La Rioja to the head, the general trend calls for a profound change. Against are, mainly, Andalusia, Galicia and Extremadura. Against are, mainly, Andalusia, Galicia and Extremadura.


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The councillor of Agriculture of Castile-La Mancha, Francisco Martinez, says the matches by eliminate the payments by the historical rights, by a policy of increasing convergence of aid in the same culture and the same region, reduce the regions of 50 at the half, and a redistribution where all farmers are charged the same support for the first hectares, the fixing of a ceiling on aid for the exploitation and the increase of the aid coupled in livestock. “Don’t you understand that you keep paying aid on the basis of a few productions of the nineties, or that, for example, an olive-studded in irrigation can charge 700 euros per hectare in Jaén, and other dry farming in Castilla-La Mancha or in the own Jaén receive 100 euros has been assigned to the help in your day based on the performance and forgetting his contribution to sustaining the environment.”

In the industry it is understood that the implementation of the CAP reform negotiated in 2014 between the Ministry and communities was done under criteria of continuity over time to allocate the funds, something which resulted in the maintenance of the benefits on some farms, sectors or areas, while others were marginalized. It has not worked, they say, the convergence of aid. The then responsible Ministry felt that a drastic change in the distribution could be a problem for the activity of many farms that had been slated for development on the same. And the biggest props were in the south in irrigation, cotton, and basically a type of olive grove.

Today there are calls for deep change, but not from one year to another, for the adaptation of farms to the reduction of the payments. According to data from the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (Fega), in the year ended in October, direct aid payments amounted to 5.692 million euros, to which are added other 1.719 billion for rural development. Of fertilizers, direct, 1.540 corresponded to Andalusia, 926 Castile and León, 698 Castilla la Mancha, 546 Extremadura, 446 to Aragon, 380 in Catalonia and 270 to the Canary islands. In the remainder, the amounts stayed below 200 million.